*"No! Please don't do this. P-please d-don't do it!", I beg. In front of me a tall figure hovers over the trembling bodies of my parents and my three year old brother. The man rases his guns and fires three clean shots.

Tears stream down my face as their bodies go limp. The man turns to me and all I see is two glowing green eyes.

He slowly stalks towards me and with fear running into me like a river, I back up and feel the cool brick wall against my back.

The last thing I remember is feeling a cold needle sink into my neck, before...


I bolt up right, a cold swear covering my body. I take deep breathes trying to calm my racing heart. I pull back the black comforter and pad barefoot downstairs to the kitchen.

I walk to the fridge and drink a few gulps of milk straight from the carton.
"Why are you up?", a familiar husky voice comes from behind me. I turn to see Sean staring at me, leaning lazily against the counter.
"Nothing", I dead pan making my face as blank as a piece of paper.
He sighs. "When are you gonna tell what happened?"
"Who said anything happened?", I ask challenging. "Please. I hear your screams in the night, Kim."

I mentally kick myself for showing my weakness. "Kim, you don't have to be like that with me", he says stepping closer and placing a hand on my shoulder.

Before I can reply, a gun shot is fired and a bullet pierces a hole in Sean's head.
"No!", I yell and catch his paling body in my arms. I look down at my best friend's body laying in my arms, and feel the emptiness in my heart only growing bigger by the minute.

Instead of crying over loss of one of the closest people in my life, I get up and storm to my room. I put my hair in a high pony and slip into my black leather cat woman suit. I pull the zipper up to show some of my cleavage. I lace up my high heel black boots and grab my emergency black duffle bag.
Lastly I take my iPhone and keys and walk to the garage of my uncle's huge gang house.
I get in my 2015 black mustang and race of onto the high, determination in my eyes.

This was the last time someone I love gets's hurt...

The people that did this are gonna pay...

Because they played with fire,
And their fingers are gonna get burned!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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