Kayla is 14 years of age , she met her "First Love " off of Instagram which is "Trey". When they first start talking , Trey had his mindset just to have sex with Kayla . Meanwhile Kayla just wanted Love & Affection she's had rough relationships over the past year . Her ex "Man Man" use to abuse her , take her money & so much more . So when Trey and Kayla started talking more , falling asleep on the phone ,& texting each other all day everyday. Kayla got use to that.
4 months later .......... Since Kayla and Trey been vibing for months now Trey seen so much more in Kayla . She's smart , caring , loving/loveable and he can see all the pain into her eyes and he wanted to take it away. September 24 2017 , was Kayla and Trey very first time seeing each-other in person . They enjoyed their hours of being with each other by laughing & smiling .
November 30 2017 Kayla and Trey had broken up , because Kayla posted a picture on Facebook in Trey friend seen comments that looks like Kayla was cheating . So Trey hit up his ex "jaylaa" to get back at Kayla .
December 1st 2017 at 10:00 pm Kayla lost her virginity to Trey because she loved him , & trusted him and she knew her parents would be upset when they found out that she was sexually active !
January 1 2018
Kayla and Trey celebrated the new year by having sex all day , they cuddle had laughters fought . Trey found out while him and Kayla were single she went to mingle with some boys . So Trey flushed Kayla ring down the toilet.
Weeks went by Kayla was feeling sick & numb so she was rushed to the nearest hospital "Children's Hospital " where she had been told she might not be able to have kids in her older life....
4 weeks later ..... Kayla started to feel symptoms she's never felt before , so her and her mom took her to emergency. They ran tests & one test came back positive that she's pregnant . Her mom was disappointed because she had to find out her child was sexually active because she's pregnant . Kayla let Trey know they were expecting a little one soon . Kayla was happy because a couple weeks ago the doctors said she couldn't have kids . Kayla said "Thank you dear God for answering my prayers and not losing faith in me ."
January 28 2018 Kayla notice Trey was acting so different not calling her nor answering his phone . As Kayla watching tv she gets a text from a Unkown number . Kayla heart dropped to her stomach , tears start falling from her eyes . Kayla always wanted to have her own family . But after the text she got she knew Trey wouldn't be in the child's life anymore . So she thought deep into the situation & thought she wanted her child to grow up with both parents like her , then she thought God didn't let her down so she shouldn't let him down .
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February 16 2018 Kayla still hadn't heard from Trey . 2:19 Am Sunday night , Trey calls Kayla . Kayla didn't answer because her phone was on Do Not Disturb . Kayla called Trey back & he states "I'm sorry I didn't tell you I had another girlfriend I was in love with the both of you and didn't want to hurt anyone feelings . Can we have a three way relationship?" Kayla gets silent on the other end of the phone and took a deep breath . Kayla says "I don't feel comfortable with a three-way relationship, why couldn't you just tell me the truth instead of having me look stupid ? You don't have to be in my child's life we will be good with or without you! Please don't call me back."
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February 20 2018
Friday morning Kayla gets ready to go to her doctors appointment and see how the baby doing ..... Kayla and her mom enters room dolphin 3. As Nurse Williams and Kayla & her mom listen to the baby , the nurse said "Kayla the baby is doing pretty good . Your next appointment is an 2 weeks . You will find out what your having in 18-20 weeks . Are you excited? Have you been eating healthy? " Kayla stated "Yes I'm excited ! But I'm scared at the same time I don't know what people will think of me . My dad already not speaking to me so I don't know . "
Later on that evening after Kayla's doctors appointment she took a nap . Her mom was downstairs making Mac & cheese , ribs , and cabbage so Kayla smells the good food her mom is cooking . Suddenly someone unexpected knocks at the door , "who is it?" Said Kayla's mom , "Hey , it's me Trey" Kayla mom opens the door . Kayla ask "I thought I told you and I told your friends to tell you don't ever speak to me again and me & my baby will be ok without you now bye there's nothing else to talk about ."
To be continued dm me at @billiondollar.m on Instagram and tell me if I should keep going 😘.