Chapter 1

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     Standing with my dad and mom, I looked at them. We are visiting my friend, well technically little brother to me. He's from an adopted you can say, family. I was a foreign exchange student back then and they took me in. Treated me like family, and I'm grateful for that.
      I call them my dads... My dad and his boyfriend are the ones that take care of me. I call my dad's boyfriend my mom because he's like a mom. His voice is high and he wears feminine clothes. He paints his nails and he puts makeup on. No, he's not a drag queen, but he is sassy and savage like one. He's better than a drag queen.
     It took some time for me to get used to him, but I don't mind him. I call him mama for crying out loud. Its been a few months since then, and I really love my parents. But I have to come here again for a few months. It's a little complicated...
     "Tim come on," Tord said grabbing my attention. "I want to show you something." He added pulling me up the stairs.
    Climbing up the stairs after him, I felt a little uneasy. It might have been that gross egg roll I ate earlier but, it feels like something is watching us. I feel watched and I don't like it, my stomach boiled a bit of anger. Is this a prank? Or some joke? Are Tord's cousins here to scare me again? Probably not... oh, Tim you are just being silly. Nothing is watching you.
    Tord glanced at me, then back to his cream-colored door. Placing his hand on the knob he twisted it slowly. The suspense is killing me, what does he want to show me? I'm confused and I need to know! Opening his door fully now, he turned his light on. My eyes widened a bit, wow his room is so different.
   "Tord your room... It's all different!" I exclaimed glancing around the newly organized room.
      "Thanks, I did it yesterday." Tord smiled a little at me.
     Going over to his desk I noticed a small box. It was sealed shut. A lock on it and everything, picking it up I slowly moved it around in my hands. It's cold, blue and locked. I know it's rude to say this but, I want to see what's inside.
    "Oh don't bother that," Tord spoke up, gaining my attention from the box. "That's my little secret." He sighed taking it from me gently.
    His multi-colored hands looked a bit scarred, frowning a little at his hands. He kept them hidden in his long hoodie sleeves. I hope he's okay... he's been acting a little different lately. I'm worried about him, he doesn't talk much anymore.
    "Hey, are you okay?" I asked him worriedly, placing a hand on his shoulder.
     "Y-yeah I'm fine-" Tord began until a loud crash grabbed our attention.
    It came from downstairs, where our parents are! Going over to the door it suddenly slam quickly on me. Slamming in my face, gasping I started to panic. Tord grabbed something from under the bed, pulling out a lighter and a can of hairspray.
    "What are you doing?!" I exclaimed as he shook the can in his hands. 
     Tord gave me a look, I can see he's panicking in his mind too. Just won't show it, come on hurry up! "TORD YOUR IDEA WON'T WORK UNLESS YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL US!" I shouted at him.
    Tord ignored me, then began to set fire to the door. Looking over to the water bottles on his dresser, I opened one up and threw the water at it. As the fire burned, a hole started to grow in the door. That was his plan... forcing a laugh I slowly kicked the door. Chunks of the now burned door slowly hit the ground. The door had to be held back with some kind of magic.
    "Come on!" Tord grunted, running down the stairs.
     Following after him, I ran as fast as I could. Trying to keep up with him, man for someone so short he sure can run fast. Hearing him screech, I picked up my speed. Stopping by the living room doorway I covered my mouth. The floors were covered in specks of blood, furniture pushed over and spread out. A fight happened here, and now everyone is gone.
   Tord took a hold of his hair in his hands, breathing heavily. His eyes told me all his emotions. Confused, scared and anxious. I feel the same, what happened here?
   Sitting on the couch I laid my head on my dad's metal arm. The cold metal touched my skin, sending shivers down my spine. Staring into the darkness I live with, I frowned a little. Damn, I wish I could see the world. See the so-called pretty flowers everyone talks about. To be able to see my parents instead of relying on my hands and mind. It's not that easy...
    "Are you excited about school tomorrow?" Dad questioned.
   "No, I tell you this every week." I laughed pulling my knees to my chest.
   He ruffled my hair, I pushed his hand away. He gasped and pushed me into my papa. My Папа grabbed my shoulders and pushed me back into my dad.
     "Child be gone!" He shouted as he shoved me away.
    Grabbing onto my dad's arm, I pulled him with me back to my papa. Crushed in the middle of them, I rolled off the couch. They fell on top of each other, standing back up. Heavy footsteps grabbed my attention. Whipping my head to the window, I pointed to it. Someone is out there, and they are not welcome.
   "What's wrong?" My dad asked standing up, I can feel him moving around.
   "There's something-" I started until I couldn't finish at all.
    The glass from the windows broke, my parents jumping to their feet as more footsteps came into the house. Standing there defenselessly, I bit my lip out of fear. Backing up a bit, I ran into the table.
   "Dan run!" my dads shouted in union.
    Shaking, I ran away from the living room. Using the wall to find a way to hide. My dads can handle it, I can just hide in the closet. Yeah, that's what I'll do. Opening the door, I squeezed into the tight closet. Hearing the noises of things being thrown and the shouting. I covered my ears, keeping myself from getting a headache.
    Holding my breath and counting to ten, then I exhaled. Opening my eyes, to the darkness that consumes me. It brought me a bit of peace, hearing nothing but silence. I pushed open the door slowly, did they win? Or did they lose?
    "Vati? Папа?" I called out, carefully using the wall to find the living room.
    No ones here, there are no bodies on the floor. But just the stench of fresh blood, covering my nose I gently kicked my feet around. Nothing is in here... just me, myself and I. Where did they go?! Why did they leave me alone?! My knees started to shake, my heart racing. How am I going to find them?
    "Toffee? Where are you?!" I desperately shouted out.
   Hearing a soft meow, something soft brushed against my legs and jumped on me. Holding her close to me, I kissed her head.
"I only got you right now. I know what I have to do, I have to find them. That's what I'll do, Toffee you are coming with me." I said grabbing my backpack and emptied it into the floor.
I don't need this anymore, I'm on a mission now.
   "Toffee you ready?" I asked, placing her in the bag.
    She mewed at me, placing her paw on my cheek. Smiling, I kissed it and gave her a small pet on the head. Zipping my back up but leaving her a nice air hole. I gently threw it over my shoulders, and headed for the door- or something, I cant tell anymore really.

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