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"Let's go!" Yelled Alex from the kitchen to her sister Sophie who still getting ready. When Alex is waiting because she has to drive her school. "Calm down I put effort in the wa-Are you going to wear that!" Says Sophie walking in to the kitchen looking at what her sister is wearing. A t-shirt that says "You thought I cared?" With ripped black jeans and old sneakers. Which in comparison to what Sophie is wearing black short shorts an oversized red shirt with her flat ironed dyed blonde hair looking perfect.  "What's wrong?" Asked Alex seeing no problem the way she looked. "OMG where do I start you hair is a little messy you outfit says back off bitch. How are we even related?" Sophie says walking to the door. "First off" Alex starts walking after her to get to school. "If that's what my outfit says then great. Second I should be asking that question your the one who dyed your black hair to blonde to fit in." Alex finishes starting the car. "Well let's be honest I look amazing and who here does the whole school hate?" "And who did I do that for?" Replies Alex in a snarky tune. "Whatever anyways you know the drill drop me off in the front so I can make an entrance." "Sure whatever." Says Alex as she pulls over. "Bye oh and mom wants us to greet the new neighbors after school." "Okay I'll wait for you in the bleachers." Says Alex as she starts to pull away to the parking lot in back for students. As she gets out she hears gasps from the other students but she never cared. So she continues to walk to the room her and her friends meet up in.

"Guess what Alex!" Says Naomi. Alex sees that she re-dyed her electric blue hair to a light rose for having a baby girl when expecting a boy. "It's not she would care that there's a new boy." Says Sara with her huge black glasses. "Yeah why would I care that there is a new boy?" Asked Alex sitting on a table. "Because everyone thinks he hot." Reply's Naomi "Just because everyone thinks he's gorgeous doesn't mean I should care he's probably just gonna hate me like the rest of school." Says Alex laying on her back now. "Not if he gets to know you first." Naomi continues on telling what he looks like until the bell rings to go class. "Bye." Says Alex going to first period because they ditched I&E.

Alex walks into class feeling all eyes on her and hearing whispers saying things like "She still comes here?" Alex finds her seat in the back of the class witch she enjoys. She feels one her sisters co-cheerleader staring at her. So Alex looks right into her eyes which makes her move. It was amusing on Alex's part. *Bell Rings* "Welcome back from winter break my seniors" Says their teacher Mr.J. Then a very handsome boy walks in and gives a paper to Mr.J and he tells him to sit next to Alex. Everyone ones on him sitting next Alex. So she's coxs her head and they all look away.

As Alex and the new boy start talking she calls him an ease dropper because he heard other people saying how horrible this class is. "Like it matters." He says. "It does." She Says in reply. "That's a very good first impression for new year you two detention for a week then maybe you'll learn not talk in my class so much Alex and Courtney." Then they look at each surprised by the other ones name. "Courtney is a girls name." Alex says packing to go to P.E. "Alex is boys name."Courtney says in reply doing the same. "Stereo type." Reply's Alex with an eye roll. "I could say the same thing." Says Courtney slightly rubbing past her shoulder.

Alex stops against the wall seeing Courtney trying to open her locker thinking it's his. But she decided to help him out when Jared and his crew of idiots came. "Boys look the new black boy can't open his damm locker." Says Jared. Alex walks over and says "Mind your own damm business Jared." Says Alex getting up in face even though he is easily two times than her. "Look boys the bitch is back where's your sister? I thought you got kicked out of this school because of the stunt you pulled." "I easily could if you gave me a reason but you and your goons would a black eye." Alex says coxing her head making a fist. "Some bitches don't change." Says Jared walking away. As soon as he was out of sight Alex says "That isn't your locker." "What? Yea it is" Says Courtney. Alex slightly pushes him out of the way and opens it. "That one is yours." Pointing to one on her left. With one try he gave up and asked Alex to open to open it giving her the combination. She steps in front of his locker in attempts to open the locker. She gets close to it covering it. Courtney got closer to her his muscular chest so close to touching her back it makes her nervous that when she open the locker she steps on his foot. Which makes her fall back slightly into his chest, he catches her with his arm. "Umm see you later......bye." Said Alex walking to P.E. As Alex walks away to P.E Courtney loves the thought of seeing her face when he arrives.

Hope you guys like it stick around for a bit to see what happens. I'll try to make the chapters shorter or longer tell me which you would like better.

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