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my head snapped upwards towards the passenger window of my tesla, squinting at the short, curly haired girl that was desperately pounding on it. she looked like she'd had a desperate run, then again i was sure i looked the same. my eyes flicked to the mirror, seeing my sunken in eye-bags, my eyes themselves bloodshot, and an array of bruises sprinkled over the surface area of my face, however, taking a better look at her — as much better as i could, considering my windows were heavily tinted — i saw a long cut along the side of her face and bruises scattered along her face and neck, resembling a hand tightly wrapped around her neck and harshly pounded against her face. i realized i'd been staring too long as she once again, gave me a desperate look bringing up her fist to knock again.

she looked frantic, in a rush almost. i unlocked the door, gesturing for her to move so the door could open. she quickly slid into the seat, reaching into the small black backpack she had and pulling out a bloody rag, holding it up to the open gash on her face, as she wheezed out for me to please drive. i put my car on auto drive and just looked at her, analyzing the entirety of her being while also evidently expecting an explanation, yet deciding i'd ask her my questions later.

the girl opened her mouth, trying to speak, but barely any sound came out. she took her free hand, rubbing it against her neck and shaking her head, signalling that she couldn't speak, at least not well. i made eye contact with her, and all i could see in her captivating, dark brown eyes was hurt — both emotional and physical.

i had been heading to my old house, the one alissa hadn't moved into with me. my skin prickled at the thought of her. the one who'd crossed all of my boundaries, toying with me and my emotions.


i was walking into my house after a long workout and lunch with my father, the source of what riches were held to my name. i wasn't due home for two hours, but i wanted to surprise alissa as her and i had gotten into one of our then seemingly routine fights. i had arrived home with flowers to apologize — what for, i wasn't sure — the fight had began when she slapped me out of the sleep i hadn't gotten in days in order to make her eggs. i made them scrambled so she proceeded to slap me across the face for the second time that day because they weren't what she wanted. after i told her to make her own, she screamed at me and i just sat and took it. and here i was knocking at my door to my house asking forgiveness from someone that i really didn't care for forgiveness from. low and behold, she took the roses in exchange for bags full of my clothes, and kicked me out of my house. we weren't even engaged! sure i'd get her kicked out eventually, but it was such an inconvenience. i pushed past her into my house, and my eyes were immediately met by another man's. "david, it's not what it looks like..." alissa had began. i was fed up.

"what does it look like then, alissa?" i asked, putting emphasis on her name while my tone was evidently spiteful. she flipped her long blonde hair and shrugged, laying a hand on my shoulder.


"it's my house, you don't pay for shit here! i own it, you can't kick me out, it's not possible!" i argued, and before i knew it a fist collided with my face, once, twice, and three times. "you'll be hearing from my lawyer!" i called, stomping out of my house and grabbing my bags, tossing them into the backseat of my car.


i handed the unknown girl my phone.

"what's your name?" i asked her gently.

she made a new note.


"that's a gorgeous name, liza." i told her, a small smile playing at my lips.

she shyly grinned back up at me, laying her hand on the console between our seats. i placed my hand overtop of hers, tracing it up and down her scarred arm. i looked at her, concern evident in my eyes, and she immediately broke eye contact, shaking her head no and looking at her feet, her eyes watering. she gestured down at her leg, one bruised greatly. she shifted, tears springing to her eyes, as she reached into her bag and dry-swallowed some sort of painkiller, her left hand still laying underneath mine.

"we're almost at my place liza, hold on." i told her. she nodded, biting her lip, still in obvious pain.

when my car pulled up into my driveway, i got out, the car opening lizas door by itself. i ran around, putting her bag on my back and lifting her up bridal style, carrying her into my house. i placed her on my bed and told her to stay put, while i ran back out to the car and grabbed my things.

once again, i handed her my phone. "do you need anything?" i asked her concernedly.

she eagerly opened the safari app.

how to get rid of a lost voice from being strangled, liza typed.

i swallowed audibly.

she looked up at me, her eyes once again filling with tears, however this time they spilled over. immediately i sat down on the bed next to her, pulling her into my lap and holding her, she tensed against me, but soon relaxed. "is this too much?" i asked her.

"no." she rasped.

"don't talk liza, i don't want you hurting more. i'm going to run you a bath, okay?" i informed her, though instead of leaving her on my bed, i carried her with me as she barely weighed anything and i didn't want her to feel alone. i gently set her on the floor against the wall and turned on the tap. as she absentmindedly combed her fingers through her knotted, yet smooth hair, i just admired her. there was a certain beauty in her dark eyes that i couldn't quite describe, a gorgeous warmth in the patches light brown skin not covered in blood, scar tissue, or bruises. liza was too weak to wash herself, something we both knew.

"so do you want me to leave and let you just relax or.." i trailed off. liza frantically shook her head, her eyes widening like she had a fear of me not being within five feet of her. i slowly nodded, gently rubbing her back as i helped her lift her shirt over her head. i turned away, in hopes of giving her privacy, but liza wasn't taking that.

"hey, it's fine. i don't think you'd want to do anything with me anyways." she said softly, her voice still sounding very strained, however that was a full sentence which was new for her as of then. my heart grew heavy for what felt like the thousandth time that night at her self-deprecating comment, but i didn't want to pry so i turned and shook my head.

"liza, you're gorgeous." i said, cupping her cheek. she didn't flinch or tense at my touch, for the first time that night. "hey i'm going to help you into the bath and get you settled, then i'll make you tea. whenever i have a sore throat tea helps me and i really don't know what else i can do about your throat." liza nodded, clearing her throat and speaking softly once again.

"thank you. for everything... uh, you never told me your name so-"

"david." i smiled at her as i lifted her into the tub and turned off the tap.

"right. thank you david." she gave me a small smile as i beamed right back, all bruises on my face and hers forgotten, all i could look at was that smile.

i went to my kitchen to start to boil water, and smiled to myself, thinking of liza. she was just what i needed. a new beginning.

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