Chapter 1

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Chica Marie Chicken

Chica Marie Chicken

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Chica's Mom

Toy Chica Addie Chicken

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Toy Chica Addie Chicken

Toy Chica Addie Chicken

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Bonnie Bree Bunny

Foxy Angel Pirate Fox

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Foxy Angel Pirate Fox

Freddy Anthony Fazbear

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Freddy Anthony Fazbear

Golden Freddy Alexander Fazbear

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Golden Freddy Alexander Fazbear

NOTE : Chica and Toy Chica are distant sisters , meaning they have different parents but are related

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NOTE : Chica and Toy Chica are distant sisters , meaning they have different parents but are related...

Italics = Chica       Bold = Goldie    Normal = Freddy    Underlined = Bonnie       Bold/Italics = Foxy 

Chapter 1 : The First Day of School


Chica Marie Chicken point of view 🐔

I let a small yawn escape my lips as I hear the blaring of my alarm clock , signaling that it was 6 : 45 , the time I was supposed to wake up. I stretch my small , skinny arms out as I walk over my closet to get dressed for school. I'm 16 years old and a 10th grader. Well , entering 10th grade , today is my first day of school. I'm a little nervous but there's never a challenge I'm not ready for!

     I'm determined to get good grades and make lots of friends along the way! I select an outfit , going downstairs to the bathroom to take a bath. After doing so , I get dressed and have blueberry poptarts with a cold glass of orange juice. I go back into the bathroom and brush my teeth , doing my hair , as well. When I leave the bathroom , I see Erica , my 34 year old mother.

     I smile at her pretty attire. Although my mom is 34 years old , she looks like she's 23 years old , she's a beauty! "Good morning , mom!~" I chirp as I skip over to her , my heels making a light clicking noise. "Good morning , darling.~"

     "Are you ready for your first day of school?" She asks with a small smile. "Yes! I am very determined to pass and make friends!" She chuckles , reminding me of her number 1 rule. "Remember , Chica , homework first and --"

     "Friends second , I know , mom..." I tell her , clarifying that I know her rules. "I just want you to succeed at life but I also want you to get the full experience out of it , too."     "I'll be fine , mom. I know you just want the best for me.." She nods as she takes me into her embrace.

     "Be safe when you walk to school , look both ways , make sure your phone is charged and--"     "I know , mom! I'll be alright."  I say through a giggle. I hug her , heading out the door with my backpack.    "Chica , aren't you forgetting something?"

     I stop in my tracks , seeing my mom holding my lunch bag. "Oh!" I say in shock. I get my lunch , kiss mom on her cheek and run out the door as I say my farewell. As I walk out the door I hear my mom call out to me.

"Oh , and don't forget to walk with your sister today , Chica!"   "I won't forget!"  I call back , starting the walk to my little sister's , Toy Chica , house. Once I arrive at her front door , I ring the doorbell. Toy Chica's dad , Adam , answers the door about a minute later.

     "Oh , good morning , Chica."  He says , smiling.  "Hello! Is Toy Chica ready for school?"  "Hm , I'm not sure. Let me just check on her really fast for you , Chica."   "Oh , okay."

     I say politely as I wait.

Yes , I know it's Zack Efron , but I couldn't find any blonde haired boys , sorry. :(

Freddy Fazbear X Chica The Chicken (Fredica)Where stories live. Discover now