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In the Information age, the beings called monsters are nothing more than a creature appearing in fiction. From books to movies, monsters have many kinds, each is unique and is commonly huge and frightening.

But what if I tell you that I have seen one... A creature that I had never seen before. A creature that has torn my family into pieces.


My family is currently living temporarily in the countryside as we are When I was the age of seven, I was playing with my little sister which is three years old at that time. The weather is not great as rain has been going on for hours and we were forced to play inside of our home, or rather in my bedroom. Our mother is currently in the kitchen, preparing us lunch while our father is in the living room watching television.

The weather is getting worse and worse. Our father checked on us in my room to see if the windows are tightly closed. He carried my little sister and told me that we are about to get lunch and told me to clean my room before going downstairs.

I let out a groan, telling my father that I would after eating in which he interrupted me and told me again or else I won't get any food. After the conversation was over, my father while carrying my sister goes downstairs while I am here in my room

After putting all of my toys in their proper place, I sat down on my bed to get to rest for a minute. However, as I am watching the rain, I noticed a dark figure slowly approaching our home. I have only seen it for a few seconds due to trees covering the place.

Seconds later, our house went on blackout and was quickly followed by a very loud thunderclap. I quickly stood up and search for my flashlight and while doing so, I heard my father telling me to go downstairs carefully.

As I am searching, I heard a loud crash downstairs. It startles me so bad that I probably screamed and finally, I got my flashlight. Another few seconds past and I heard a loud scream. I got terrified by it and went downstairs quickly as I could where I almost tripped.

Our front door is crashed open. I'm getting scared and start trembling. I am slowly walking towards the kitchen but then... I saw the strange figure again... with blood dripping from its hands. I pointed my flashlight and flash the figure, where I finally able to see its true image. 

The creature has a distorted face, and its body is full of stitches and fur. It has massive claws covered in blood. Behind the creature are my mother and kid sister... My mother's eyes are blank... she is bleeding and is protecting my kid sister. Because of fear, I was unable to move... I couldn't scream... and I can't stop my tears from flowing

My father appears that I assume is from the breaker room. He tackles the creature away and grabs me to get out of the house. As we are leaving, the creature growls loudly and leaves the house, chasing us. While we are trying to escape the creature, my father is yelling, seeking help from our neighbors.

One after another, people are leaving their homes and saw both of us, as well as the creature chasing us. Some got terrified while most get inside of their home to arm themselves to help us. 

Shovels, pitchforks, and few guns.

The creature is too strange to be recognized as a human. Its continuous loud growls and claws dripping with blood have alerted our armed neighbors to disregard warning the creature and just try to kill it with everything that they got. Loud gunshots and grunts could be heard as we are escaping the place

I was very exhausted and fell asleep as I was carried by my father.


The next day, they have found my sister, completely safe. My mother, however... has died protecting her. My father is explaining to the authorities what has happened and soon I was told that I will also be interviewed.

After all of that, we were informed that the creature has escaped but is heavily wounded. One of our neighbors helped us has draws the creature and showed it to all of us. It is very hard to believe, but there are many that have seen it.

We are also informed that there are sent reports that are similar to ours for six months now and because of this, they are currently preparing a presentation to warn the entire city about the incident. Their main goal, for now, is to prepare the entire city to fight this creature and to protect its residents. If it gets worse, it will then widely be released to warn the entire country.


Months later after the incident, no further reports have been sent about this matter and that the creature has finally vanished. I cannot bring myself to calm down and I am quite paranoid for months after the incident. Because of this, I tried to learn different martial arts by entering such programs in order to defend myself and to make sure that this incident will never happen.

Nine years have passed after the incident. I did not just learn martial arts, I also learned traditional swordsmanship and tries to train myself to learn the art of the bow. Using guns may sound better use, it is quite costly, Illegal in most places, and loud but effective when used in actual combat. The use of a compound bow would make someone think that I am using it for sport, and it is well sealed inside of its own bag

I am now entering my third year of being a high school student. My father and my kid sister went overseas since my father too was quite paranoid about what has happened. He strongly insisted that all of us would go together but I told him that I wanted to stay.

I don't need to worry about my expenses in my own place. My father sends me money for everything that I need enough to get through a month... well, he sends me money each month and all I had to do is to manage how much I spent.

Each weekend I visit my mother's grave... telling her what I've done for the week. It is hard to accept things that have happened... but what choice do we have. The monster that has killed her is still alive...

and kudos to this creature... he successfully created another.


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