Part One

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I opened my eyes to feel strong arms wrapped around my waist. I smiled and turned to face Sky. I giggled in the inside. I'm do happy we defeated the Trix and Sky and me are now married and King and Queen!

I guess I was to lost in thought to see Sky was awake looking at me. "Morning Baby" He said kissing my forehead. I giggled. "Morning Lazy" I laughed. "We should get up and ready knowing Stella she be in here soon if we're not ready yet" I said getting out of the huge sized bed and wrapped a robe around me.

"Why what are me doing today again?" Sky asked confused. "We're all going out to the mall and celebrate" I said going into the walk in closet and picked out my beautiful blue long dress that made my boobs look bigger and got my white 5 inch heels.

I went and put on my makeup and put on my dress and my shoes and I saw Sky in his normal clothes. "You look beautiful as always" He said wrapping his arms around me pulling me in. I leaned in and started kissing him, he kissed back.

"We should get going now" I chuckled. "Aw come on" Sky whined at me. "Ok fine, do want Stella to burst in here when we're full on making out?" I asked crossing my arms making my boobs look bigger. "Ugh, fine lets go" He said holding my hand as we walked down.

"Morning lazy asses" Riven whispered. I smirked and heated myself up and touched Riven's arm. He shouted "Ow". "You look so pretty!" Aisha said looking at me. "Thanks" I smiled at her. "Well lets go guys!" Brandon said. I nodded when just then I felt a dark evil presence near me. I turned sharp around and saw nothing. What the hell I swear I feel dark energy?!

I walked threw the portal to the mall. We all laughed and talked and ate. "So that really happened Musa?" Tecna asked. "Yes!" She laughed and soon everyone was laughing expect me. I still felt that presence near me it felt like it was closing in.

"Perfect she's confused just what I need" Laughed a man in the shadows. He used magic and created a red gem. "It's time my beautiful" He laughed looking at the gem glowing bright because it was near the Dragon Flame.

"Water Stars weaken the Dragon Flame as weak as it can be!" He said to the gem and watched as a tiny red ball flew to Bloom and flew into her chest. "Yes!" He laughed.

We all were talking when I felt this sharp pain coming from my chest. I grunted it started to hurt really bad. "You okay Bloom?" I heard Flora ask me. "Yeah I'm good" I smiled, but the pain was getting sharper and I felt my face go pale and the sharp pain was making weak.

"You sure your okay?" Nex asked looking at me. I soon realized that everyone was looking at me. "Yeah I'm fine don't worry" I said trying to ignore the sharp pain.

"You can't ignore the pain forever Bloom! Water stars make her even weaker!" The man said and another red tiny ball flew to Bloom's chest.

I started to get really weak and started gasping for air a little, it was like there was no air. "I was thinking maybe that could work" I heard Sky say to Brandon. I felt a horrible sharp feeling pain from my chest it felt like a dagger was being pushed into my chest.

"S-sky" I said really weak and I mean really weak. I felt him look at me and the sharp pain made me lose it and I held me chest and fall, but Sky caught me. "Bloom baby you okay?!" He screamed. I couldn't talk. I felt my eyes close.

"Bloom?!" Sky yelled to his wife. "Guys!" Stella shouted and big snakes appeared. "Winx lets get busy!" Flora yelled. "Winx Bloomix!" They shouted.

"Guys help Bloom we'll deal with these guys!" Stella yelled to them. Brandon nodded at Stella. "Light dance!" Stella yelled hitting a snake and knocking it back. "Good hit Stell!" Musa said. "Water bolt!" Yelled Aisha hitting a snake hard. "Tecna shoot!" Tecna yelled. "Petals!" Flora screamed. A snakes eyes glowed red and shot a purple lighting bolt at Stella. "Stella look out!" Flora yelled. Stella gasped "Sun shield!" She yelled putting up a shinning shield, but sadly it didn't hold and she was shot down. "Stella!" Musa yelled. "Water bed!" Aisha yelled making a water bed and Stella fell on it. "I'm good guys!" Stella said flying back up. "Lets do a convergence!" Tecna said. The Winx nodded "Winx!" They shouted and destroyed the snakes, but they reappeared.

"Bloom can you hear me?" Sky asked Bloom who was crying and holding her. "Bloom" Brandon said looking at a pale Bloom. I opened my eyes a little and saw big black snakes. "Here pour some water on her face" Roy said handing it to Sky. Sky grabbed it and put some water on Bloom's cheeks and her forehead. "Bloom can you hear me?" Riven asked Bloom.

I felt water on my face and opened my eyes a little and saw they boys and Sky. I grunted and opened my eyes a little more. "Your okay!" Sky cried and hugged me tight. "I'm fine" I said still in Sky's arms. "What happened?" Heila asked me. "I don't know all I know is I feel this dark presence and then I felt sharp pain in my chest" I said standing with Sky's help. "The Winx need help" I said about to transform. "No, your to weak we'll go help" Sky said and told me to stay.

I turned my head and saw a snake about to attack a little girl hugging her teddy bear, crying. I gasped and saw the snake shot a purple attack at her. I ran light speed and jumped in front of the attack and took the hit and fell tot he ground. "Bloom!" I heard my friends yell. Suddenly I felt something coming from my chest..

I opened my eyes and flew up into the air. I looked badass to tell the truth. "Dancing Flames!" I yelled kicking the snake knocking it down disappearing. I flew to my friends. "Bloom!" Aisha said happy. "What?" Riven asked looking at me. "I don't know, well lets get down and dirty!" I yelled. The Winx nodded. "Dream Flames!" I yelled hitting a snake turning it into dust. "Yes go Bloom!" Riven said impressed. "Okay I've had it!" I yelled. "Dragon Flame!" I yelled and destroyed all the snakes.

The Winx and me flew down. "What transformation is this?" Flora asked. "I have no idea I saw a little girl right there and jumped and took the hit and then I felt a powerful energy" I told them. "We should talk to Miss. F" Tecna said. "Yeah lets go" Sky said and walked up to me. "You scared me" He said. "I'm sorry" I said then kissed him. "Well lets go!" Stella said making a portal.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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