Hi. I'm Caleb Price. I'm 19. I just moved to Los Angeles. So that's cool. I moved here with my best friend Annaleise she's 21. I feel like I hold her down. Because all she does is wait for me. Like she'd be on her deathbed and be like "wait for Caleb...then ill die." But I love her.
So we've been in L.A. for 3 days now and I thought id get a journal you know for my new "hipster life". Lol. I'm kidding. Wait no one is gonna see this why am I apologising? Eh I don't care. But we have our bedrooms decorated in the apartment and the next thing is the living room. Oh I might write weekly so I don't waste my paper. But nothing has really happened so I'm just going to end this.
Caleb Price

The Journal of Caleb Price
Teen Fictionhere is the story of another original character that has the same name as another original character lol same with Annaleise. so this story follows Caleb Price you know because he did write this "journal" lol. but he is 19 when the story starts and...