Forever It Will Be You And Me

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A/N: Argh happens to me every time, I'm writing another Baylor book at the moment cos an idea came to me and I had to write it to get it out of my system and now it's happening again, damn it. I was looking for a Baylor pic to post for my newest chapter and I saw a pics of Finn with his nieces and nephew (too cute by the way) and a lightbulb flashed inside my head and bam another idea I need to get out of my head *sighs* but this one is definitely a one shot book, just one chapter maybe I'll push it to two but I'm aiming for one! Here we go........


Fergal was so excited to have a day off from the WWE tour, he really needed a day off. Fergal had been going on so many tours for the WWE and he loved going on tour but this time he really wanted to have an off day especially today. It was one year ago today that Fergal had started dating Pamela and he wanted to surprise Pam by coming home early from the tour to celebrate their one year anniversary. 

With a huge bouquet of red roses in hand Fergal walked up to their apartment hiding the roses behind him as he unlocked the door and walked in. Unbeknown to Fergal, Pam was not alone in the apartment. Her ex boyfriend Aaron had come over trying to get Pam to get back together with him.

"Aaron you need to leave, I don't want to be with you I'm with Fergal and I love him. You need to except that and move on, I'm sorry" Pam said but Aaron wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Pam, we can make it work this time, come on I love you!" Aaron replied moving towards her grabbing her hands.

"Aaron, you have to stop this! It's over, we're over it's been over for a long time. Please just leave" Pam said trying to brake away from Aaron's grip.

"No I won't stop! You love me Pam I know you do and I'll prove it" Aaron said and before Pam can say or do anything Aaron smashed his lips on hers, Pam started pushing against his chest trying to push him away but he was holding onto Pam tightly.

Just then Fergal walked into the living room and yelled "surprise!" But the surprise was on Fergal not Pamela. Fergal was frozen on the spot as he caught Pam lip locked with her ex boyfriend Aaron. Pam had finally pushed Aaron away from her but it was too late Fergal had seen everything.

"Fergal! I swear it's no-" Pam started saying but Fergal put his hand up to stop her.

"Happy Anniversary Pamela" was all Fergal said pulling the roses out from behind his back and giving them to her before turning around and walking out, not once looking back.


2 weeks later, Fergal was trying to move on but it was hard he had fallen so in love with Pam that he thought she was the one. He was thankful that he had wrestling, Fergal had pushed all the hurt deep down in his heart and concentrated on wrestling, it was hard cos he'd be seeing Pam everyday at any Raw show or at any house shows they had on but he ignored her as best he could.

Pam had been trying for the past 2 weeks to talk to him but Fergal had blocked her from his phone and when he'd see her anywhere he'd walk the other way avoiding her. One day however Pam had cornered Fergal in the hallway as he was walking to the gorilla for his match.

"Fergal you can't avoid me forever and you will listen to me" Pam said not letting him pass as Fergal sighed giving up and let her speak.

"Fergal what you saw is not what you think, I was telling Aaron to leave and that I love you then he kissed me but I didn't kiss him back Fergal, I swear. Please believe me. I love you Fergal" Pam said sobbing as she reached out to Fergal.

"Are you done now, I have a match if you'll excuse me!" Fergal said brushing past Pam, he could hear her sobbing as he walked away from her.


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