Woken by Geoff

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"Jack, go get help!" you were risen from your slumber by a grown man's cracking voice.

"Why? What's wrong?" A much deeper voice approached you.

"It's not important, just fucking go get Michael or something." the other man's voice had turned to a serious panic, cracking and hitting a pretty high note as he basically screeched, "Hurry!"

You opened your eyes and noticed a tall man in futuristic armor standing above you, "who are..." you began, too weak to finish.

He looked down at you, his eyes filled with relief at seeing you were alive and well. He bent down to help you to your feet, "I'm Geoff," he smiled reassuringly.

You introduced yourself, and felt your face begin to warm when you noticed how handsome he was.

As soon as your feet were on the ground your legs felt weak and you started to wobble. As you began to fall, Geoff shot an arm around you to hold you up. "You okay?" His expression had turned to that of concern and you quickly reassured him that you were okay but you would probably need him to help stay on your feet.

He obliged and wrapped an arm around your waist. You wrapped your arm around him in return and unwittingly cuddled into his side. He pulled you closer himself until he suddenly let go and leaped away from you at the sight of a muscular blonde approaching. "Oh, hey Ryan. Did Jack send you?" He rubbed his shoulder nervously as his face became an impressive shade of crimson.

"Yeah, Jack sent me. He said he didn't know what it was but it sounded urgent." He crossed his arms and nodded towards you, "is this what was so important?" He smirked.

"Yeah, we got ourselves a new resident," he smiled and introduced you.

"And I see you two hit it off immediately," he rose an eyebrow at you and smiled knowingly.

"Just please don't tell the guys."

"Tell us what?" a man in a tuxedo with a white masqarade mask covering the upper portion of his face appeared from behind a bush, followed by a man in green and another in yellow shorts.

"That we have a lovely new resident in our great Achievement City!" Geoff cried nervously, eyeing the clearly younger men and pushing you in front of him in display.

"But you said not to tell us," exclaimed the man in green with a mess of blonde hair atop his head.

"Shut the fuck up, Gavin," Geoff hissed through gritted teeth. He then backed off and introduced you politely. He then began to gesture to the other men, starting with the man in yellow shorts, "this is Michael," then the man in the tuxedo, "Ray," the man you came to know as 'Gavin' who you were reassured was, in fact, Gavin. And finally, the bearded man who must have been the same guy Geoff sent out earlier, "that's Jack."

"Nice to meet all of you." You smiled politely.

Ray handed you a rose. You looked up to him with a confused expression and he just backed up and hid behind Gavin.

Gavin then took a gracious step forward and took your hand. He bent over and pulled it to his mouth, kissing your knuckles in an overly gentlemanly gesture. "It's been an absolutely top experience meeting you too, love."

Your face heated up once more as you stood there, gaping for words. Gavin smiled graciously and noted your expression as meaning 'she's into me.'

Geoff must have noticed this because he suddenly went into a rage, lifting his hands, now tightened as fists, to punch the British prick. Luckily Ryan grabbed by the wrists and calmed the situation. You noticed him whispering something but you couldn't quite catch it.

As soon as Ryan let go Geoff made his way to you. He slowly pulled you away from the group, who stood there, for the most part dumbfounded.

"So," Geoff spoke, getting your attention, "now that you're all acquainted," he made an exasperated expression, "who are you going to stay with for the night?" He gave a long pause before exclaiming, "please don't choose Gavin."

(Now's your chance to make another move in the story! You can choose who's house you want to spend the night at when those chapters start coming out! (And yes, you can choose Gavin even though Geoff told you not to, you devious child, you.)(ITS FINALLY OUT!!!! I'm so sorry, I really am. First I got a boyfriend and he took up all my time, but we broke up a little over a month ago, then there was this girl who was in love with me and ugh I just couldn't deal with her so bluh, and now there's this other guy and idk life is hard, man.

Tl;dr I didn't update bc my romantic life is awful))

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