At the Coffee shop☕️

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Rylee has just finished her Exam in Special FX and is heading home by car listening to her favourite artist, blackbear from her phone by the Aux cord . She's interrupted by a call , causing her song to be replaced by the default iPhone ringtone.
R: "Hello?" She says confusingly. 
M: "Hello ...? Rylee?... it's me Maria" She laughs also confused. "Why are you answering like that ?"
R: "Ohhh Maria ! , why is your phone on no Caller ID ?"
M: "oh my god , is it!"
R: " yes it is ... why though?"
M: " because I got bored whilst you was gone and I finished editing so I decided to film another video " She says laughing
R: "so you did prank calls I'm guessing  ....." A smile forms on Rylees face. 
M: "yes! Oh my god you know me so well " Maria says happily.
R: "anyways why are you calling me ?"
M: " oh yeah , I wanted you to pick up a donut for me at that coffee place near us, will you be able to do so ?
Rylee answers back with "Yes what do you want?" Maria asks for a simple Glazed donut and Rylee writes it in her notes , hangs up and her music proceeds to play.

RYLEES POV *what Rylees thinking *
Ive just pulled up to the coffee shop and there's an extremely large line. I don't even wanna go in because I don't want my anxiety to kick in but I kinda do want a jam filled donut ... ughh I'm going in to go stand in the line , maybe if I go on Twitter it will make the time go faster....Why is no one active on Twitter today ? , what the fuck.Great.  Now I'm at the end of my feed. I can feel a breeze on my ankle I turn around to see who just wast through the door, Oh my god , damn he's hot.....Wait THERES ANOTHER ughhh. Twins , yes please. Who are they holding the door for tho , I bet it's one of their girlfriends. Wait never mind it's their dad 😅....wait why am I bothered it's not like I have a chance with any of them anyways but I can't help stare at them awkwardly whilst they try and find a seat to eat lunch at. I'm so jaw dropped they look like fuckboys though ugh. Me and Fuckboys do not go well together.😒 .....I'm nearly to the front of the line and I really want to speak to one of the twins but I can't and it sucks because this will probably be the ONLY time I will ever see them . Ok I'm going to text Maria to see if she can at least tell me what to do,
M: "you should order the stuff and go up to them"
But I don't want to because that's awkward because they're with their dad 😂Ok now wants me to sneakily take a picture of them and send It to her. Why is she freaking out though ??
R: "two hot guys eating lunch ?"
R: " well I wouldn't know I don't watch YouTube"
R:" so they're famous?..."
I definitely don't have a chance with two famous hot twins 🙄.... I look over at the clock but Wait , One of them is staring at me , I feel like a fan girl for boys I don't know , I don't wanna make eye contact though but  what do I dooo??! Ok I'm looking at the corner of my eye to try get a better glimpse He has blonde hair , but not natural though because I can see his roots growing back. he's also wearing a dangly earring. I'm nervous now ... why did Maria make me have to speak to them , ugh. I'm at the front of the line , the Lady asks what I want . I have severe butterflies in my stomach what the fuck I can't speak , let it out Rylee. , I just forgot what Maria wants . Fuck.  I know I wrote it somewhere , but I don't have time , people are waiting to order their stuff . I abruptly say. " 2 Jam donuts " the lady replied with " ok that's going to take more than 5 minuets , have a seat please".  A worker is now showing me to a seat and of course it's right next to the Twins. I can vaguely here what they are talking about and it sounds like the twin without the blonde hair and his dad are egging the other twin on to go talk to 'that girl' I haven't looked up from my phone yet but after I heard that I started thinking "he doesn't even know I exist , he's for sure looking at another girl" , Im now thinking of excuses to tell Maria because I don't wanna let her down because she is a big fan " they left before me".
Someone's voice overshadows me with "Hey!" Oh my god , it has to be one of the twins , I look up from my phone but it isn't the half I was expecting....

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2018 ⏰

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