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-Friday September 4th, 1998 (The date is real)-

"Hello, everyone! Since you are required to take Muggle Studies this year, I thought it would be fun to have one project for the who year. This project will include EVERYONE working together. We're going to go to an abandoned muggle high school, which has been purchased and bought. The headmistress has hired temporary teachers to teach there. You will all dress like muggles, act like muggles, even communicate like muggles. There will be absolutely NO magic during this trip! Is there any questions?" Draco raises his hand. "Yes, Mr. Malfoy?"

"Where will be staying, how long, and when are we leaving?" He asks.

"We'll be leaving Monday, and we'll be there the whole year, we have hotel rooms that have been booked for the time... actually I can tell you who you'll be staying with now...

Ronald Weasley, Ernie Macmillan

Neville Longbottom, Blaise Zabini

Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan

Justin Finch-Fletchley, Terry Boot

Michael Corner, Theodore Nott

Gregory Goyle, Anthony Goldstein

Hermione Granger, Pansy Parkinson

Parvati Patil, Padma Patil

Susan Bones, Daphne Greengrass

Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy "

Harry raises his hand, "Why did you put us together like that?"

"Because, Mr. Potter, I didn't, the headmistress assigned the pairs."The teacher snapped. "Even if I did assign the pairs, they would be almost exactly like this!" Harry slumps back in his seat.

"Okay, now get with the person you'll be staying with and decide your classes, you'll be having the same classes. You will have meal together, and if you decide to leave the hotel you'll be together! Each group will be recorded most of the time. It'll be like you're in a reality TV show. Now GO!"

The groups got together and the teacher handed out applications.

"Potter?"Draco asks, looking at Harry.


"What classes do you suggest we take I don't know what half of this is..."

"Oh... Umm... Okay, so we need a math, which I think we should do Pre-Calc., I think we can take Chemistry, you'd probably good at that it's like potions. Umm... Economics, if you could help me we could take french, and English... we need some electives..."

"Okay... one question... what's Pre-Calc?"

"Well, I don't know but I know the other math courses, I can help you learn them before we leave and when we get there unless you wanna do Algerbra II?"

"You said you knew the 'Algerbra II'?" Harry nods."Okay then we can take that and you can help me, and I'll help you with French!"

"We need two electives: Art, understanding music, band, or computers..."

"What are computers?"

"No computers then... How about... Art, and band?"

"Sounds good!"

"Alright we're done!" Harry walks up, and gives their application to the teacher. Harry walks back and looks at Draco,"Whenever you wanna start learn the stuff in math just let me know!"

The boy's share a smile and Harry walks out the door with his bag.

-At dinner-

The Eighth Year Table was quiet, most of them were very unhappy with the upcoming project, or their partners, well most of them where not happy... The only two of the group that are excited are Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter.

After finishing his dinner, Draco stands up and walks over to Harry. "Potter?" he asks, tapping on Harry's shoulder.

Harry turns around,"Yes, Malfoy?"

"If it's alright with you... I think I'd like to work before curfew."

"Alright, let's go to the common room and we can work."

"Alright!" Draco says, heading to the Eight Year Common Room, Harry following behind him.

The two boys sit down at a table and Harry pulls out a large 5 Star notebook. Harry opens it and looks at Draco, "We'll start with Algebra I, so we need to start with equations."

Both boys sit, while the raven haired in teaches the other about equations, variables, fractions, percents, decimals, number lines, you name it. Draco, being a fast learner, picked it up quickly, and by 11:30 they were done.

"Potter, thanks" Draco smiles, packing his things.

"No problem, Malfoy" Harry starts to walk up the stairs, only to be stopped by Draco.

"Potter, umm Harry, since we're going to be staying with each other for the rest of the year we may want to become friends..."

"I'd like that, Mal-Draco" Harry smiles, then goes to bed.

This is going to be an interesting year...

AN: Hey! So, I'm really exited about this! The 'episodes' for this will obviously follow Draco and Harry... I was wanting to get you, the readers, involved! So, if you send summaries of how you think the first 'Episode should go, I'll pick my favorite, and write something off that summary. Here's the title of 'Episode One':

Moving In and Old Habits...

I hope you send me something! I love reading stuff from you guys! If you'd like to talk to me message me or send me an email at



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