Chapter 1

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"Tom Welling as Joshua"
  Josh was in his third year of high school. He enjoyed weightlifting and even broke school records with his outstanding lifts. He can be described as witty but kind. He tends not to show his emotional weaknesses to act as an example for others. He has a very noble personality but can have trouble keeping his ego in check.
"Dear god what is that sound".
The sound my annoying alarm can be heard across the room
"Ugh it's time to get up already". The clock read 6:30am it was time for school luckily it was a Friday. School is pretty easy and I get to do weightlifting class after for extra credits so it's not that bad. I hate waking up anyway. Fuck I wish I could go back to bed.

I made my way to the bathroom to take a shower. The normal routine shouldn't take me that long. After that I brush my teeth, put on deodorant, then do my hair... oh shave too I guess.

Made my way downstairs ready to bike to school. Dad was to lazy to drive me and I really can't blame him. It's only a mile each day no big deal. Still, come on it isn't hard to drive a mile to drop your kid off!

"Hey dad I'm leaving for school see you in like 6 hours".
"Alright then have a good day Joshua and try not to cause trouble again son"
"Pfff, when have I ever done that?" I questioned sarcastically
"Do you want a list" he says with a friendly grin.
"I get it dad I'm leaving, oh and I hate you" I said jokingly.
"You were a mistake you fuck" he remarks.
"Love you to dad see you later"
"Bye son"

As I walked out to the garage I spotted my bike and helmet. I agreed to wear it for dad's sake, he worried I would hurt myself badly someday. And he's right to worry because I fall off a lot.

I arrived at school in only 15 minutes. And it was only 7:15, class doesn't start till 8:20am! God I'm bored, none of my friends are here yet. Might as well dose off.....
I took a short nap in the gym while I waited for the bell to ring.
"Hello" I heard a voice. Where am I?
I turn to face the source of the sound to find a girl. She had beautiful red hair and blue eyes. I held my breath and approached her. I immediately notice its night and the moon is a full deep shade of red. What the fuck?
"I've been waiting so long for this". She states in a monotone voice with a smile.
"Umm where am I and who are you?" I asked confused.
"Patience boy, all will be revealed in time, her voice was like honey and I wanted to hear more of it."
Suddenly her eyes turned blood red and her smile turned sinister.
"Whoa whoa wait a minute!" I backed up in a panic.
I looked so down to see my father in a pool of his own blood and my friends as well.
"What the fuck!" "Dad!" I held back tears and started to scream.

Light filled my eyes as I awoke from my nightmare still in the gym.
"Wtf" I whispered to myself.
My friend James approached me with a smirk.
" You are sweating dude what's up?" He asked
"I don't know I had a bad dream." I replied in a monotone voice.
"Seems like it, let's get to first period, tell me all about its later, I'm interested to hear this.
I laughed and punched his shoulder. "Alright man let's go."
The school day went by fairly fast. James was my only friend who came to school today which I found odd.

I explained the dream to him at lunch and he just laughed it off.

I'm still shook after the dream but I need to get home so I'll try and forget about it...
Shit a teacher is approaching me. What did I do. I want to go home damnit!

"Me. Brice I need you to stay after a few hours about an assignment." He said
"Fine." I respond with an annoyed tone in my voice.
I stayed the next 3 hours being lectured about something I failed. I didn't care I needed to get home. That dream is still on my mind...

"You can leave now Mr. Brice"
"Thank you sir" I state and left for home.
Found my bike and got ready to ride home when I noticed it was pitch black out. I was already night Jesus!
"Better get home fast before someone mugs my ass" I said to myself as I began to ride away from the school.

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