The Blow

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Hara POV

I was running and running and running until I saw a cafe. I quickly ran inside and asked the waitress if she know we're the nearest orphange is. She said go-to the left and follow the street and then take a left, then a right and then another left. I said thanks and then went in the direction she gave me. The orphanage was right there, but it blew up. "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" I screamed before a price of concrete hit me.

Robin AKA Dick Greyson POV

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!" We heard a girl scream. Artemis was the first to see her and the piece on concrete on top of her. All us quickly ran to help Atremis pull the piece off of the girl. Superboy lifted her up and brought her to the Bio-Ship. Miss Martian brought us the the cave and just as quickly as we got on, we got off the ship with the girl in Superboy's arms. He brought her to the med bay were Hawkgirl was. She looked sad and really mad. "Hawkgirl, can we talk? In private?" "Sure" "Hawkgirl, you seem off? Is there anything wrong?" "Yes. Before I left Thanagar, I had a daughter. She snuck on the ship and when we landed she was kidnapped." "Oh my. Is she your daughter?" "Yes"

Hope you like this first chapter! There is no schedule for updates but I try to work on them when I can. See ya! ~Ava

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