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Men are experts in hiding their true selves.❞


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GOOD SHOES take you to good places—either that saying was a mere form of consolation or there's something very wrong with her Christian Louboutin black pumps, considering the place where her shoes met the ground.



And three.

Three seconds and every single soul present inside the classroom, turned their attention to the figure who just walked into their territory. Without sparing a single glance to any of them, Min Aya maintained her influential demeanor and made her way to the seat which was lonely without any partner. It's the same as usual. No friends, no talk, only show your face once a month for formality and leave. The world called her arrogant. Where in fact, it was the rule of her agency to never say a word to someone more than necessary.

Her life was hidden in shadows. A shadow, almost vantablack where no light could ever reach.

"Aye look who came, girls! Finally the model decided to show her face to us peasants," one of the girls cooed and the rest, snickered. Once in a month, whenever she had to attend the University, it became an irresistible topic of gossip for the students.

"Education is for poor humans like us. Since when plastics needed to study,'' one of them muttered as the others stifled their laugh. Aya fisted her hands, trying to stay indifferent to whatever words they were throwing. Now this was excessive. She wanted to say something, anything to spat back at those girls. But the rules bounded her to silence.

Through her peripheral vision, she noticed the predatory eyes of the boys that followed her every move. A devious thought struck her mind. Sitting with her legs crossed, she flaunted them paired with her expensive shoes. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and not so subtly bit her bottom lip. A shallow act that earned many groans and slams on the desk from the guys. Aya snickered, eyeing the frowning faces of the girls who commented on her earlier. Her eyes mocking them, 'That's right. Frown, babes. No useless being can compare to my charm.'

If they had any clue about what is hidden beyond this pretty face, will they still admire or hate me like that?  The thought faltered her smile.

FINALLY THE end of an exhausting day. She threw her car keys somewhere and sauntered into her bedroom. Laying on her bed, she released a deep long sigh that she had to hold in for the whole day. Eyes fixated on the ceiling, Aya felt only one thing.

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