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"FBI speaking," Bobby Singer, the world's most fatherly man, said as he answered one of his many phones in a 'kiss the cook' apron, a spatula in his other hand.

"Yes he is one of mine," Bobby continued to answer, as the person on the other phone asked him a bunch of questions. "Are you questioning my authority, look here miss, I placed my best man on this case and I did so for a reason, we have that jurisdiction and if you don't like it then why don't you leave, because as far as I'm aware he has the right to be there, now good day!" he yelled in the phone, slamming it back down and heading back to the kitchen with an exhausted sigh.

He stared annoyed at the now burnt egg he was cooking and with a grunt threw it in the bin, cracking another egg and watching as it sizzles on the pans surface.

Bobby Singer, believe it or not was a family man, always looking out for the people around him like they were his siblings or children. Bobby spent most his time in his barely standing house, answering calls from hunters, police, or FBI stations, looking for help on hunts or confirmation. If he wasn't answering phones he was reading through giant books about monsters or in the kitchen making himself some sort of life force.

As Bobby flipped his egg over, he heard the distant ringing of the phone. Letting out another annoyed grunt he through his spatula down and moved lazily over to the phone with the label 'Home Land Security' on it and picked it up.

"Home land security," he answered,, rubbing circles on his forehead as he listened to the person on the phone, "Yes I have," he said quite angrily, "Well then there must be something wrong with your database because I specifically signed my team onto this case, if you have a problem with the way things are rightly done then you can take it up with your boss, but don't go capping all over my boys!" he yelled before angrily trudging his way back to the kitchen.

Upon entering he looked down at his egg to find that it was burnt once again, "Balls!" he yelled throwing the whole frying pan into the bin and then switching off the stove, giving up on the idea of food. He pulled off his apron and made his way to the fridge, pulling out a beer and smashing the cap off before walking into the lounge and flopping himself on the couch, taking a sip of his beer.

'KNOCK KNOCK.' The sound of someone knocking on the door rang through the house, making Booby slam his beer against the table, "What now," he stated to himself, before getting off the chair and heading towards the door.

"If that's you Rufus, the answer is no!" he yelled before staring to open the door. "A big fat n--"

Bobby stopped halfway through his sentence as he opened the door to see a woman with long blonde hair and green tired eyes, a woman he hadn't seen for four years.

"Amanda?" he questioned her, only receiving an eye roll.

Bobby's eyes then travelled to the child she had resting on her hip with long blonde waves and blueish brown eyes. In her hand was gripped a large white envelope with the word 'Bobby' in untidy scrawl on the front. But before Bobby could open his mouth to ask what in the world she was doing there, Amanda thrusted the child on her hip into Bobby's arm's.

"Tag, your it!" She stated, before racing down the stairs.

Bobby stood in shock for a few seconds before racing out the door and stopping at the top of the steps, watching as Amanda drove away in a blue Honda, waving out of the window.

Bobby looked down to the child in his arms and watched as her eyes started to well with tears, he knew exactly what was coming next and he wasn't prepared. The little girl threw her head back and started sobbing loudly, "I--I w--wa--want mu--mummy!" she hic-cupped over and over again as Bobby ran inside and started to pace the house with her in his arms.

Bobby started to make shushing sounds, trying to get the young girl to calm down and after a few minutes she stopped her crying and instead fell asleep in Bobby's arms. That was when his eyes fell back on the letter in her hands. Slowly and carefully trying not to wake her up, he carefully laid her down on the couch before pulling the envelope out of her hands. He stared at his name on the front for a while before finally ripping it open and unfolding the letter from inside.

Dear Bobby

You are probably wondering what the hell just happened, well, that is easily explained. You probably remember me from that night at the pub where we, well, you know, but just incase you forgot, I'm Amanda Wilson, and that child that I just gave you, is Daphne, our daughter.

Those single few words made him freeze, he had to read over it three times just to make sure that that was what it said. He has a daughter.

Yes, I said ours. She's yours and you can't tell me I'm wrong because you were the only guy I had done anything with for like a year, so I knew she was yours. You probably already guessed from counting but she's four, and a hassle, that's why I have finally handed her to you.

I have had enough of her crap, enough of the crying, the late nights and early mornings, the pickiness, the pissing and shitting everywhere, and i cant handle her anymore. Not only this but i actually thought she should know her father so here we are, well you are.

I don't want her back, nor do I want anything to do with her from now on. I don't care if you throw her in a children's home, or if you drown her in a bath, just don't give her back to me.

From Amanda

PS. Enjoy

Bobby couldn't even believe what he had read, he didn't understand how Amanda could say that about her own daughter. He didn't know what he was going to do with her, but he was sure as hell was not going to drown her in a bath.

Bobby watched as Daphne slept peacefully on the couch, unaware of everything that her mother had wrote in this letter. With a sigh, he pulled out his phone and dialled the first number he could think of.

As soon as they answered the phone Bobby said, "Sam, Dean, you need to get here now, I have something I need to tell you," and hung up, not giving them a chance to reply knowing they'd argue it.

Bobby stood there watching Daphne sleep for a few more seconds when the ringing sound of a phone sounded making Bobby turn his head to see that the phone reading FBI was ringing.

"Balls!" he exclaimed, before waltzing over and answering the phone for the umpteenth time that day.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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