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Frail body quivered

Underneath the cardigan of pure silk that cascades below her waist,

She left him in the darkness of the night

Not wanting it to swallow her down.

Lost soul wandered the road to nowhere

Where she let her mind ruled her body

The previous scene's swirling and dancing

Through the chaos of her mind

No matter how much she battled the unruly irking thoughts,

It doesn't just flee

Like a moth that was enticed by a flame

Even so, the peril of attachment was clearly visible

She just can't,

Her heart wouldn't

Notably when it was her first kiss.

With a sigh,

She closed the windows to her soul

As to gauge the actions she enacted

And as always as it was,

she lamented.

Regrets invaded her system like a venom, sans panacea

Leaving her with a sole calloused thought,

"I shouldn'tve saved the boy, just let him die instead."

A Black Hole Within An OceanWhere stories live. Discover now