1) I have several but right now, it's Last Young Renegade by All Time Low :P
2) Soccer
3) I'm at a tie between Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At The Disco and All Time Low (I'm not emo I swear)
4) Gravity Falls and Phineas and Ferb (yes I know it's two you can fight me)
5) I don't really have one, but I like Disney movies :3
6) Mint green
7) Sweet rolls
8) Fruit Punch?
9) I don't have one :p
10) nah, sorry mates
DiversosThe stories you find in here are random, so they probably won't follow a theme. Some may be unfinished or may not make any sense. The point of this book is for me to just pour out scenarios for stories in my mind onto this. This will not be updated...