Bringing Back Memories

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First day of Junior year in High school


Brooke time to get ready for school...

 I don't want to mom... I cant go to that hell hole, not especially with what I have gone through in the past...

Brooke get up NOW, you need to get to school so you can graduate and do whatever you want with your life.



        Brooke's POV

It has been two months since I changed schools, I'm not ready what so ever... I get so, ugh I get so frustrated and I don't know how to handle it. I just wish I had a say in whether or not I was able to do online or not.... I just don't want to be stuck in a place where I know what is more than likely to happen.

 I just don't want to be stuck in a place where I know what is more than likely to happen

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Brooke ^ (Loren Gray)

Downstairs 15 min later...

Mom-You'll be fine sweetie, I promise!

B- and what if im not? what if the same thing happens? How am I supposed to live life again after what happened?

Mom- you have too much negativity on your mind, you need to inhale deeply then exhale long deep breaths, clear your mind and focus on your school work, if you change you mind when you get home we can talk, but until then just breathe an focus. I Love you B!

B- I love you too Ma

At school...


Brooke's POV

As soon as I walk in I grab my schedule, then go to my locker and get everything all situated, when I closed my locker and turned to the right I ran into someone.

Holy sh*t I just ran into a cute  boy, Brooke's Thoughts//  WAS. THAT. JACK.AVERY??? omg I haven't seen him since he moved two years ago... well idk what to do... GAH IDK... I JUST CANT BELIEVE I RAN INTO HIM  AFTER TWO YEARS. I hope he doesn't remember me... we used to somewhat hangout, but he moved, I thought I would never see him again...

 we used to somewhat hangout, but he moved, I thought I would never see him again

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B-Uh sorry I didn't see you but then again I wasn't paying attention, but im so sorry.

J- its okay I wasn't paying attention either, anyway im Jack, Jack Avery.

B- I'm B, as in Brooke Stewart.

J- Well nice to meet you Brooke Stewart.

B- Yea nice to Meet you too Jack Avery.

J- Well Uh...

1st period bell rings***

B- Sh*t I gotta get to Chemistry

J- Sh*t, same.

B- Wanna walk together?

J- Sure!


Lunch bell rings***


I grab my lunch from my locker and go sit with Elisia an Alyssa (two friends I have made) As I sit me and Jack meet eye contact. then I broke it because Elisia was talking to me about a party this weekend that was going on at some rondo's house, all I did was laugh when they  broke me out of my trance, even after they asked what I was so concentrated on.

Jack's POV

As I was walking, me and this hella beautiful girl ran into each other. She looked shocked at first then she immediately apologized for not paying attention and not seeing me.

I told her sorry as well because I wasn't paying attention either.

I'm Jack, Jack Avery, I told her.

She said she was B as in, Brooke Stewart.

( as soon as she said that, I immediately thought of my bestie I had left two years ago, which I regret but I didn't have a say in what was happening. also I think I recognized her name but I couldn't touch what I remembered it from.)

Me-Well nice to meet you Brooke Stewart.

B- Yea nice to Meet you too Jack Avery.

J- Well Uh...

1st period bell rings***

B- Sh*t I gotta get to Chemistry

J- Sh*t, same.

B- Wanna walk together?

J- Sure!


Lunch bell rings***


Once I got my lunch and settled down with my friends I glanced around and saw Brooke, we had locked eyes for a good two minutes, then it was broken by Brooke's friend... (am I actually falling for a girl I had barely met today by running into each-other in the hallway? ugh why me?)

Guys I may be falling for a girl, that I barely met today... I tell the guys and they ask who, I said Brooke Stewart, I think she is new, but one thing I do know is that she is hella beautiful.

All the guys laughed at me and snapped me out of my trance.



On my way out I had run into Brooke again, that's twice in one day I said and just laugh, she said It Must Be Fate haha.

Those words clung to my chest later that night " It must be Fate."That's all I thought about till I decided to look her up on social media, I found her insta and ended up getting her snap off of it. as soon as I added her she added me back, which was a relief. we ended up talking for 6 hours straight and didn't go to sleep till 2a.m... I cant get this woman out of my head...


On my way out the door I ran into Jack again, he said that's twice in one day and he laughed, and I without thinking said It Must Be Fate haha. ( god how stupid could I be? Fate? for real? god I need a life.)

when I got home all I could think about was Jack and the last thing he said to me "that's twice in one day" and his laugh was just so... Ugh what am I doing with my life? I cant be thinking about boys right now, I need to be concentrating on my school work, just then my phone went off and it said JackAveryMusic added you as a friend on snapchat, immediately I added him back. we ended up talking for 6 hours, we didn't go to sleep till 2a.m. What is wrong with me? why am I falling for someone I just met today? is this actually normal? Why me? out of everyone in the school he and I ran into each-other, is that even possible to do twice in one day? Or is it actually Fate?? I need to know, and I need to know, an I need to know now!

1020 Words

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