1. Rules Were Made To Be Broken...

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Unknown P.O.V I

"I promise I'll wait for you."

I leaned forward, sinking my head against the tough punching bag, willing the madness to stop, but like a stuck record, those words continued to echo in my mind over and over again, taunting me, reminding me every second, of the deception, the emptiness... the hate that now resides within me. Reminding me that everything I had tried so hard to attain was now completely worthless.

"I promise I'll wait for you." Those unprincipled words echoed again.

I don't know how much more of this I can take! I thought, giving the sturdy bag one last vicious punch before moving to sit on the single black couch that rest in the corner of the quiet gymnasium. I fisted my shaking hands into my dark hair, pulling at it, once again feeling the rage rise within me.

No matter how hard I tried to will those words away, it only managed to sink itself deeper into my soul, along with all the other traitorous memories burned into my psyche. The one sentence that had kept me fighting, kept me motivated was now a meaningless pile of letters, and the one who had uttered those once beautifully potent words failed to comprehend the real significance behind them, rendering it completely useless.

Get over it! My inner voice screamed. She has moved on!

No! She can't do this! I thought, shaking with anger. I won't let her!

Pragya Arora has made a mockery of my love.

Now she will pay...


Unknown P.O.V II

We were scheduled to leave home in a little while and I hadn't even begun to get dressed yet! I had previously taken a bath and was now "modelling" around the room in my favorite blue towel, shaking the remaining water droplets out of my hair. My clothes were already laid out in a neat fashion on my bed, now it was just the matter of finding myself in them.

I hoped my bride wouldn't be too peeved if we were just a tiny bit late.

My bride... I thought with a smile.

She was the kindest, most pure-hearted soul I ever had the good fortune to cross paths with. We had known each other since we were kids and our bond never seemed to fade.

She was like sunshine, so full of light and warmth, and just like the sun, she could burn you to the ground with her scorching temper and quick wit.

There were thousands of words that could be used in description of her, but to put it simply, she was basically a badass with a good heart.

Though her life was no bed of roses, she tried extremely hard to never let her sadness affect anyone but her, and to me that was beyond anything else.

Her family and friends were her everything, yet she never let anyone completely in. When she did share a little about herself, it made you feel like she had told you alot, when in reality she hadn't even begun to scratch the surface.

It killed me to see her hide behind fake smiles, when it was so clear to me that she was hurting.

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