Narrator 2 : The three brothers fainted because of the strong impact that they receive from the queen of storm while Genie Bee is with the three maiden
"Oh my" Aina
"What to do? What to do? " Mercedes ask
White Joanna is still thinking while looking at the magic mirror
"What if we wish again. We all know that they will never defeat the queen of storm" Joanna suggest
"Nice idea Joanna. You still have three wish from me so what now?" Genie Bee said
"I wish that the queen of the storm will fainted" Aina wish
"I wish to save them all" Mercedes wish
"I wish that they will appear in the front of us" Joanna wish
Narrator 2 : Genie Bee nod and flip her wand three times and the wish of the 3 maiden come true and they live happily ever after
"I will destroy all of you. You three didn't accomplish your mission because of that stupid 3 maiden" the mysterious witch said