Chapter 1

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Elliot and I walked out of the interrogation room, and sighed as a uniformed officer went in to take the boyfriend out. I leaned against the wall, and looked over at Elliot.

"So how bad has he gotten?" I mused.

"He threatened to kill Sonny." Elliot spoke, and my eyes went wide.

"Okay. I'm going to call Tucker now." I spoke, and Elliot sighed.

"I miss the old Don. He was so much better than this one." Elliot groaned. I leaned over and kissed him, before heading towards my office. I shut the door, and then walked over to my desk. I sat down and dialed Tucker's phone number.

"Captain Tucker, Internal Affairs." He answered.

"Hey, Ed. Can we talk real quick?" I questioned.

"Yeah, what's wrong, Olivia?" He replied.

"It's about Don Cragen."

"What about him?" He asked quietly.

"He has gone off the edge, Ed. He won't even let the crew do their job."

"How do you know about all this, Benson?" He mused.

"I'm with one of the detectives, Ed. Just please look into it. I don't like hearing about them not being able to do their jobs." I sighed.

We talked a bit more before ending the call. I stood and walked into the squad room, where Elliot and Fin were sitting with my squad.

"Alright, what do we have?" I questioned.

"They are one fucked up family." Fin spoke, and I laughed at his candor.

"You are right, but we can't just say that. I need something that I can take to Haden."

"Haden?" Elliot asked, and I turned to look at him.

"What?" I mused.

"You're ADA is Haden..." He trailed of with a sigh. I rolled my eyes.

"Elliot, don't pull this right now. Dani, any leads?" I spoke.


Elliot and I sat in my office, and he was quiet as he waited for a call to come back to SVU. I looked up from my computer every once and awhile to see if my detectives were back yet, and Elliot noticed.

"They'll come back with something." He spoke, and I shrugged.

"I hope so. I don't want one of my biggest cases to go down the shitter because we didn't have all the information. We need to cover our bases."

"Well, you'll be getting more cases soon." Elliot spoke, as he sank lower into the chair.

"What?" I breathed, and Fin stood up slowly from where he had been sitting at Brian's desk, and screwing with the pictures he had on it.

"Don got fired." Fin spoke, as he opened the door to my office, and I frowned.

"I'm sorry, guys." I breathed, but then my phone rang. I reached forward and answered it.


"Olivia, can I see you at my office?" Tucker questioned.

"Yes sir. When?" I mused.

"Now if you can."

"Gotcha. Let me put someone in charge, and then I'll be down." I hung up, before looking at Elliot and Fin.

"Who was that?" Elliot asked.

"Tucker. He wants me to go to his office. Can you both just keep an eye out for the crew, and an ear out for the phone?" I questioned.

"Of course, Liv." Fin spoke, and as I started to gather my items, Fin stood and took over my desk. I rolled my eyes as Fin and Elliot started to argue. I was only going to be gone for an hour at the most. It was like seeing who would get what if I died on my way there.


When I walked towards Tucker's office, I heard Cragen yelling and arguing with Tucker.

"You've been doing a horrible job, Don! What the hell has been causing you to turn into a horrible cop?" Tucker yelled.

"My detectives don't do their jobs! They are too busy fucking each other, and not doing their jobs!" Cragen yelled back. I knocked on the door, before opening it.

They both turned around to look at me.

"There is one of the biggest mistakes to come out of NYPD."

"Don, don't even start with me." I replied.

"I out rank you!" He yelled, and as I looked at him, I didn't see the man who has been like a father to me for years. He has changed so much. His eyes were empty, and his words were full of hurt. He was hurting, and he couldn't help but hurting those around him too.

"Cragen, this isn't you. You aren't a ma who hurts more than he helps. Someone who would rather push his only family away, instead of understanding that we aren't perfect. You need to get a medical check up, because there has to be something medical that makes you act like this. You would never act like this by yourself." I spoke, and he walked past me, jostling  me slightly.

Tucker and I looked at each other, and he frowned.

"So, we're giving you SVU."

"Wait, what?" I asked.

"You're taking over SVU cases. I'm giving you the detectives and resources. I've talked to my bosses and they've agreed. Just don't turn into him. Don't turn into a sad shell of your former self. Olivia, you are one of the best. Fighting for life, while still saving lives."


It was a shock. I was overwhelmed with the thought of working on a joint squad now. Being in charge of a join squad. But the fact that this all happened in one day was even more amazing. Not in the good way though.

I hated that Don lost his job, but he isn't in the right mind, and he hasn't been for awhile. I wanted to give him help, see if something was causing him to change so much, but he didn't want to talk. I had hurt him, and that was unforgivable.

I sent the squad home for the night, and told everyone to be there at 8 on the dot to start working on the case together as a giant squad. 

Elliot and I took the time to go home and tell the kids about our engagement.

"Kids! Can you all come into the living room?" I mused, as I slipped my boots off, and then started to work my hair back into a ponytail.

"Mommy! You're home!" Quinn squealed, as she ran from upstairs and right towards me. I leaned down and hugged her, before pushing her to the couch.

The other kids started to spill into the room, and Maureen sat down and pulled Quinn onto her lap.

"So, what are you both doing home at the same time??" Maureen questioned, and her voice was full of sass.

"We have news. And before you ask, I'm not pregnant. We aren't adopting a kid or anything, and I didn't lose my job."

"No fun. You didn't let us guess!" Auggie cried, and I smiled.

"Tell us, please. Then we can make dinner." Maureen spoke.

"Okay, well, we're getting married."

Forever and Always is back! I was missing this book! Liking?

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