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My name is Samantha Johnson. I go by Sam, I'm a junior in high school. I'm 17, and i have 2 best friends. I have a lot of friends but I only trust 3 of them with ALL of my secrets. I have blonde hair, soft white skin, I'm skinny with a few scattered freckles. My dad works a lot but loves me and is home when he can be. He has a girlfriend with no kids. She's sweet her name is Mallory. My mom died when i was 3, she had cancer. I have 2 brothers, 1 is younger and 1 is older. Luke is my younger brother, he is a sophomore. He has a girlfriend. He's on the Varsity Football team. He's really big built and pure muscle. Every guy in my family is. Jake is my older brother, he's a senior. He is captain of the senior Varsity football team. He's also really big. They are both totally protective with me. I can't even look at a guy, or one look at me without one of them death glaring the poor guy. That's probably why I never have a boyfriend. The only guy they trust me with is the boy next door. And that's where it gets interesting. The boy next door is a senior, my brothers best friend, my best friend, and the guy I have loved since i was old enough to know what love is. My brothers know i'm in love with him, but I know that he doesn't think of me in that way. But, when we became best friends we switched rooms with siblings, so that we can open our windows and talk to each other. I mean we can text and email but we like to talk in person. My brothers and Daniel are also really popular at school and that's how everyone knows me. I don't really like talking to me. I used to dance but didn't enjoy as much as i did sports so i quit. So, now I'm captain of our swim team, and soccer team. I also play basketball but it's during off season. We were about 2 months into this year at school and homecoming was next week. Which is where i am right now in life. I'm getting ready for Monday morning. I can drive but to save gas Jake drives me, Luke, and Daniel.

"Sam are you coming?" Jake yelled upstairs. And i groaned. I then heard a pounding at my door. So this was a normal morning, i groaned louder and pulled my comforter over my face. And then i heard the door open and someone run in and jump on my bed. I just kept groaning. Then my comforter came up and it was COLD.

"AHhhhhhh nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed as I pulled the comforter back. I kept fighting over it with Daniel. He just laughed at me.

"Not the best night to wear shorts and a tank top." He laughed even more.


"Awe. Is Sam having struggles. You maybe strong but I'm stronger." He said. at that i turned over and groaned. My face now buried into my mattress. And Daniel straddled me he had me in between his legs and turned me over.

"Time to get up beautiful." He said as he kissed my forehead. "And it's Monday so my turn to pick your outfit!" Are you beginning to see why I can't get over him. I just layed there and turned my face on the side facing him.

"I don't get why you pick out my clothes 4 days a week and i do 3 days. Oh and it is my body." I said laughing.

"Well i'm your brother so I can." And then that's where I get friend zoned and walk into my bathroom. I showered then came out in a towel. Daniel was laying on my bed reading my diary. I ran over and snatched it.

"No, you know I don't like you reading this." I said as i began to walk away. Then he grabbed my waist and spun me around.

"Yeah but I'm nosey, plus you didn't tell me you liked someone! Who? I wanna know." he said like a teenage girl and i just laughed.

"I would tell you but then  would be attending his funeral and not our first date." I stated.

"Well whenever yall go on first date just make sure it ain't to homecoming." He said as he stood up and walked to my closet.

"Why not?" I said pretending to groan.

"Ugh. Cause you're going with me." He said and tossed me sweats.

"Really. I'm your best friend and I love you, but I can't go to everything with you." Several things about that sentence. 1, the only times I got to tell him I loved him, were in situations like this. 2, i really wanted to go with him. 3, i didn't mean what I was telling him.

"umm yes you can, and yes you are. So suck it up. And get dressed." he said as he walked to my door.

"i already told you I'm not wearing sweats to school. " i said shaking my head at him then walked to my closet and looked at my clothes.

"why not? " he whined. "all of your clothes show to much of your skin. " he stated. Another reason my dad and brothers let me hang out with him.

"oh well i like them. " I said as i grabbed a pair of jeans.

"Well you ain't wearing those so. " he said as he put them back. I just laughed and backed up.

"What about your maroon ripped pants with your black converse, your light grey shirt that says 'good vibes', and your hair curly with natural make up. Oh and tie that light jacket around your waist, The black one." He stated "Now hurry up I'm gonna go eat." he ate at my house every morning. I went into my bathroom, put a bra and underwear on, did my hair and make up and went to grab my clothes when someone walked in.

"There's this thing called knocking." I said rolling my eyes and sliding my jeans on.

"Nothing I ain't seen." He said as he grabbed his toothbrush and started brushing his teeth. Which what he said was true. He walks in on my getting dressed all the time. Which a bra and underwear are kinda like a bikini so. I finished getting dressed grabbed my Adidas back pack and went out of my room.

"About time"  Jake said as he tossed me an apple and we went out to his truck. We all had trucks. We were a truck family.

"Shotgun" i heard Luke yell as he ran out the house. I just groaned and went outside. I tossed my back pack in the car took 2 steps and froze. every morning I would be right there and Daniel runs and jumps in the tail of the truck then out. And that's exactly what happened then i continued and got in the truck. I ate my apple then handed my lipstick to Daniel and faced him. When i got backseat i couldn't do my lipstick on my way to school cause i had no mirror so he did it for me, cause he always got backseat. Luke almost always had front. He did my lipstick then we pulled into school and we got out of the truck and I waked in with Daniel. We had almost all of our classes together cause i was ahead in academics then athletics was 3 class periods and we had those 3 together. He wasn't in 1 of my classes and that was reading. Because i sucked at it, but i kinda had it with him cause seniors woud come in and tutor and that's what he did.

"Hey boo!" I heard Ashley run around the corner.

"Hey!" At that we went to Chemistry. I loved this class and Ashley loved her reason why she thinks i loved this class.

"ready to go to chemistry?" she asked.

"Yep" I replied laughing.

"Why, you're always in chemistry with Daniel." Her joke was so dumb but i loved her so i loved it. As soon as she said that Daniel ran up behind me and poked my sides which was my weakness.

"Race you to class!" He said but by the time he said it i was already running. We were also in track together so. We were pretty fast.

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