*iyana in the m*
My name is Iyana but everybody calls me pooh im 17 going on 18
Hight:5'9My name is amanda im poohs bestfriend they call me juice im 16 going on 17
Birthday:may,11,2001(yes me and my best bitch got the same b-day iaww *in my cardi b vc*
Ion kno if pooh told yall are not but she got a big ass crush on nbayoungboy like she know all the man songs word from word and dont let outside today or muder with 3three fine ass come on she gone shut shit DOWN!! BUT BY YALLMy name Kentrell but you can call me youngboy or yb im 18 and im the hottes rapper in baton ruge
My name beenie but u can call me 3 or 3three my rapper name nba 3three but yb like my brother thats fam im 19 and live in baton ruge
(I feel like i spelled baton ruge wrong let me kno)