Camp Nalu

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"…..Immigration is noble, but it doesn't light a fire. If you can't see-"

Natsu pressed a small kiss on Lucy's shoulder and another one on her neck before grabbing her by the waist and swinging her on top of him. Her hearty laughs filled the room until she brushed her lips across his jawline and claimed his mouth with hers.

Naked and wrapped only in a brown and white blanket- the two of them laid tangled together on the floor, against the couch in Lucy's cabin. The candles that surrounded them still burned brightly, providing an orange dim glow around the room.

Lucy moaned when Natsu slipped his tongue between her lips. Her taste bugs tingling at the strong taste of red wine that still lingered in his mouth from their earlier festivities.

Pulling back a bit, she gazed into Natsu's Onyx eyes and nibbled on his bottom lip. She still reeked of sweaty sex and didn't know how Natsu contained the stamina to go another round when she felt his thick erection pressed against her thigh. She still felt worn out from their first two rounds earlier in the night

A playful grin grew across her face when she took his lip further into her mouth and sunk her teeth down, roughly tugging.

Moving her hand between their bodies, she reached down and gripped his erection, her fingers teasing the head of his length. Natsu chest tightened, his breath hitching when she pressed her index finger down the curve of his cock.

Lucy simply giggled, enjoying the grunts and moans she earned from Natsu as she continued to pleasure him with her hand. Skimming her fingers across his balls, Lucy reached down a little further and ran the flat palm of her hand against him.

She watched the features on his face change as his body tensed up and his breathing became sporadic. With the fingers from her free hand tangled in his brown forest of curls, Lucy's lips found the side of Natsu neck and she allowed her tongue to explore his salty skin.

"We're not being very productive..." She whispered against the curve of his neck.

"I believe we are in fact being very productive" Natsu growled in response and jerked his hips up, causing more friction between his cock and Lucy's hand. Tilting his head back he gave Lucy more access to his neck.

Zigzagging the tip of her tongue up the side of his neck, Lucy traced her tongue around his ear before pulling the red earlobe into her mouth. "We need to start working..…" She mumbled into Natsu's ear who only grunted in response. His hands were roaming freely around her body. He wanted to feel her soft skin, to caress her ass, cling to the sweetness between her thighs.

"Natsu…" Lucy whimpered when he grabbed her ass and pushed his cock against her center- causing her to lose the grip she had on his length.

Soft moans fell from Lucy's lips when Natsu continued to grind himself against her sensitive core. Bringing her hands up to cup his face, Lucy pressed soft kisses on the side of Natsu's mouth and rocked her hips against him. His cock was rubbing against her pussy and they both moaned in unison at the sensational friction. Their desire for each other growing by the second.

Pulling the cover from around them, Lucy's movements stopped and she feathered kisses along his jawline. Natsu groaned as she continued to trail her lips down his body until she reached the base of his throbbing dick and knelt down in between his legs.

Natsu stomach fluttered and pushed in when Lucy's cool breath brushed against the head of his cock. His heart was racing, every nerve in his body on edge, awaiting Lucy's touch. Propping himself up on his elbows, his rippled chest heaved at the view in front of him.

Lucy gazed up with a small mischievous smirk on her lips. Her dark, lustful eyes pierced into his when she finally touched him. Interlocking her fingers around his length, she pressed her thumbs against the curve of his cock, forming small circles. Heavy moans ripped out of Natsu as she massaged his dick with her thumbs.

Jolting his hips up, Natsu's mouth fell open and he laid against the couch breathless when Lucy traced her tongue along the underside of his shaft, her thumbs still slowly massaging him, making sure every inch of his dick wasn't left untouched.

Pressing his back against the couch, Natsu pushed his hips off the floor and towards Luce- letting out a tortured moan as he threw his head back. "Luce-" His hand were rooted in her hair and all he could do was call her name through clenched teeth and writhed beneath her touch.

She was switching back and forth between licking him with her tongue and placing her mouth against his cock, sucking down on various spots of his length. Her thumbs finally reached the tip of his dick and gently caressed the head before she finally tilted his length towards her and slowly took him deep into her mouth.

Her hands were stroking his length as her lips work wonders around him. She continued to suck and tug on him until he felt close to exploding inside of her mouth.

Lucy noticed how his dick was beginning to twitch and she pulled back, teasing him with the tip of his tongue before pulling away completely. She wanted him to be buried to the hilt inside of her when he came.

Natsu's breathing increased when her hard nipples grazed his cock as she seductively crawled her way back towards him. Natsu was so anxiously riled up as he watched her round ass rotate in the air. He desperately wanted- no needed to be inside of her. Wasting no more time he grabbed her hips and pulled her forward, centering her core with his now raging erection.

"Wait, Natsu" Lucy breathed and stretched her legs out. He moved his hips forward away from the couch and tilted back, helping Lucy place her legs on either side of him on top of the couch. Pressing her hands behind her on the floor, she yelped when Natsu grabbed her hips and yanked her towards his pointed cock.

Aligning her opening up with his dick, Natsu slowly inched himself into her until he was buried deep inside her slick walls, filling her up completely. They both let out a sigh of relief. The feeling of his cock pulsing inside of her drew an erotic growl from Lucy. Her head was tilted back and her body trembled in delight.

Her muscles clamped around him and her heat engulfed his dick. Natsu's eyes rolled around in his head at how warm she was, how tight she was. Her Pussy had a vice grip around him.

After the first wave of joining together passed over them, Natsu thrusted inside of Lucy hard. His hips rising completely off the floor to meet hers above him.

His hands still had a tight grasped on her hips and he held her steady, keeping her in place as he frantically pumped in and out of her. Lucy was completely unraveling as Natsu wildly stroke his cock into her. Her mouth formed an O and heavy pants came out as every thrust caused her legs to shake.

Natsu fingernails cut into her skin and Lucy licked her lips, savoring the feeling of his cock swelled inside of her as her pussy continued to pulse around him. She was so close to the edge and words of encouragement left her mouth, urging Natsu to fuck her harder, to plunge in deeper and help push her over. Rocketing his hips forward, their skin slapped together and Natsu pulled Lucy closer, roughly slamming her down on his shaft.

Lucy's body jerked at the force of Natsu movements and she let go of numerous loud wails that Natsu was sure could be heard for miles away. Her juices were pouring down her thighs and her muscles were squeezing him tighter than one could imagine. Natsu was in heaven. She was so wet and tight it was only right that he continued to give her what she wanted. Lifting his hips up one last time, Natsu slammed into her with a quick, urgent, hard stroke that left her mute.

Both their bodies tensed up. Lucy limbs locking in place as her orgasm washed over her while Natsu utilized his sudden burst of energy to hasten up the speed and pump in and out of Lucy's core until he poured himself deep inside of her.

Dropping to the floor, Lucy rested her sore, sweaty body between Natsu's thighs. Her legs were still thrown over the couch and she couldn't find the energy or a reason to move them.

Natsu was breathing heavily. Trying his best to catch his breath. His hands were stroking his softening length and he look down between Luce's legs to see a river of her essence mixed in with his fluids flowing down her sticky thighs.

Lucy laid back satisfied against the hard wood floors with her eyes closed. She suddenly flinched away from Natsu when she felt him press semi-erect manhood against her center.

"We're not getting any work done tonight"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2018 ⏰

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