Chapter 1

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Around 10 o'clock this morning I was told it would be the best day of my life tomorrow but I'm still not quite sure why, I guess I'll just have to wait and see. All day I have been trying to hold myself down from asking what was suppose to be happening tomorrow that was so great. I have been on the computerall day! It is now the next day (the day that's suppose to be the best day of my life). I'm not quite sure what time it is so I look over to my radio clock, It turns out it is already 10:00 AM!! I jump out of bed to walk over to the closetso I can get some clothes ready for my "big day". If it's suppose to be a big day than I need to shower, so after I pick out my clothes from my closet I head up to the bath tub to shower. When I'm done I grab a towel to dry off. It is now 4:30 pm and we are finally leaving to the place where my "big day" was suppose to start! I'm getting so excited! I just can't handle myself! We finally arrive at our destination and it's some huge building, I think it's The Target Center. OH MY GOSH!!! I think I know where we are.. I'm so excited!

I was right!! We went to the Target Center to see One Direction in concert!! I had so much fun! You wanna know the even better part?? No? Well I'm gonna tell you anyways! I got a backstage pass and a little thing that lets me meet them in person! Alone! Once I got in that room I was absolutely terrified! I could barely speak and it started to get really warm in the room.. I was so excited but nervous.. My hands were shaking and I couldn't get the huge smile off my face!

When I walked in the room the first thing I noticed was the boys getting up from the chair to greet me. In the room there was a mirror , it was obviously Zayn's.. There was also a couple Pens and Pencils, that must be for signing autographs and stuff. I also saw a lot of the carpet because it was hard to look up because I was so embarrassed and shy. In the room I also saw a mini fridge, I'm guessing that's where they keep the water or juice so they can keep hydrated.

During my time with One Direction I really seemed to get along with Niall! That made me so happy! They all seemed to like me and they told me how much they like the fact that I'm shy, I never really knew that was such a good thing! They all seemed to be pretty open with me, which was honestly really surprising. Niall seemed to be the most open with me though. I am sitting here talking to Niall while the other boys are talking to my mom. She's so embarrassing, she's telling them about my A honor roll thing. She tells literally everyone that story! I know it's something I should be proud of and it is but I don't think the whole world needs to know that I was on the A honor roll...

I have been in this room for about an hour and a half now.. Turns out I was the last group and the boys weren't in any hurry to leave so they let us stay and hang out until they had to leave. Oh, and about 15 minutes ago Niall asked me for my cell phone so he could put his number in it! Can you believe it?! Niall James Horan wanted ME to have HIS number!! My mom was right! This is the best day of my life!!!! I still can't believe Niall gave me his number!! Oh, and it turns out that he put the other boys' numbers in my phone too, but with his number he put little faces and hearts around his name! He's so cute!

Okay, so, it's about two - two and a half hours later and we're still here... I like it here so much and I just don't want to leave at all! I sent Niall a text so he could put my number in his phone. I had to sit right next to him and look over his shoulder to make sure he spelt my name right! He was so close to spelling it right, he actually started off with a K! Nobody usually does that right, it's always a C...

Ever since he's had my number he's been sending me silly faces and cute/random texts. Why does he have to be so damn cute?? He has sent me a message saying "Hey, you're cute when you are shy." After I read it my face started heating red and then he texted me saying "It's cute when you blush too (:" I just can't take this anymore!! He's so cute! Is this a dream?? I really think it might just be a dream... Yet maybe it's not.. Maybe my mom set this all up and made it so Niall would be the one to talk to me and get my number... I couldn't stop thinking about that so I sent Niall a text back saying "Hey. Thanks for the cute messages and stuff but I need to ask you something... Did my mom set this all up? Like did she make it so you would get my number and be so nice to me or are you actually doing this because you want to?" Niall replied with "Both. She did set it up and to be honest I didn't think this would be as fun as it has been. Everything I have said or have been saying is the complete truth and I mean it all, I swear. (:" I look over at him to see his expression while he's waiting for my text back and he seems like he's being honest. I don't know how I could have ever doubted his sweetness. I replied "Thank You for being so honest. You're so cute when you have an honest look on your face. :*" After I sent that to him and he read it he looked up at me and had a huge smile on his face, it was so cute that it made me heat up a little bit...

I'm so sad! I think it's almost time to leave... "I don't want to leave, Niall!! :'(" I text Niall. He responds almost immediately saying "I know babe, I don't want you to either. We need to get together again before the lads and I have to leave for our next destination." I immediately light up with excitement and joy! Niall James Horan wants to get together with ME?!?! I reply saying "Oh my gosh! Do you really mean it??? You want to get together with me?!?!" Niall replies saying "Of Course babe. Why wouldn't I? You're absolutely amazing. I love your shy personality, and you're just a blast to be around! I also love the fact that you didn't come in the room screaming at the top of your lungs. I like the fact that the fans get so happy to see us but I also love it when we get people who are kinda quiet like you, love. Please come hang out with me tomorrow, I'll take you somewhere fun and special. We can go anywhere you want. Please Say Yes :) :*" I replied saying "Niall, I don't even know how to respond! The only thing I can say is yes! I will also say that you're so cute and thank you for being so sweet! I feel like I'm saying thank you so much! Haha :)"

It All Started With a Meet and Greet (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now