Dealers Paradise

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It was the dead of night. not a single creature in sight besides from guards standing around, patrolling their nightly areas. Their weapons sharper then most. used to always kill. no matter the cost.


Beacon Towers filled the area. looking for any intruder who happened to slip by.

Echoes of machinery were heard from miles away. even giving grimm chills.

this place.....

is a Dealers hideout.

a way of trafficking forbidden Dust, weapons, slaves, anything you can think of all across remnant.

chances are if you knew about something you knew about this traffic system. won't last past this night. not this hideout.

since she had spotted it for herself.

Rain pelted the Guards armor yet bounced off. clearly these guards were strong. just the look of them were terrifying.

The silver, Knight helmet made for protection.

Their plates, made to counter and negate almost any traditional attack.

Fierce stares that could pierce the heavens and even hell.

Ready to fight in a seconds notice.


There were footsteps. quiet, steady footsteps.

The guards already knew what was going on so they tensed up.

"Who goes there!? bring yourself out!"

the footsteps grew louder and more rapid, Not stopping for a moment.

And then it stopped.

One of the guards went to get a flashlight out of his supply kit.

that was his worst mistake yet.

in a flash a umbrella with an incredibly sharp tip came flying out of the darkness, puncturing the guard helmet straight into his skull. Blood ooze out of the direct hit as the guard slowly stepped back and fell.

"Luke! Are you alright!?"

The second guard looked back out to the darkness.

"You There! Come on Out now or you WILL be forced!!"

The footsteps started continuing.

And soon a foot stepped out.

It was a lone girl with a weird outfit. one that could not be properly described.

She was clearly unarmed after she thrown her umbrella at the other guard.

"Tch! how can a lady be so smug after killing someone! you damn bitch!"

indeed she was smirking, almost mockingly. her brown and pink hair ruffled after her voyage into the forest to this location a while ago.

She placed a hand on her hip and remained still.

"Your not gonna move huh? well don't think i will be coming too you!"

the guard brought out his weapon with transformed into a machine gun, one of the most deadliest weapons in the world.

"bring it on bitch!"

she smirked at that remark and ran at him.

The machine gun revved up and started firing in which the girl nimbly dodged to the side, keeping her momentum to keep running at him.

The guard slowly stepped back and he turned to faced his opponent,who was gaining on his position.

once again he revved the gun and fired coating the ground next to him with empty bullets.

again she steadily dodged his barrage of bullets and jumped behind him.


She delivered a swift kick to his helmet knocking him down to the ground.

she then immediately picked up her umbrella from the dead guard's head. blood splattering out like a river.

she slowly walked towards the alive one as he had trouble getting up.

even tho the guards have excellent armor,they have poor mobility. a price to pay for being powerful.

she then put her foot on the guard's weapon making him unable to fire it.

She smiled deviously as she brought the umbrella's bloodied tip to him chest.

She slowly brought up for increasing suspense for inedible, the finally suddenly bringing it down. cutting through the chestplate.

the guard cried in pain as he struggled to fight back. he was unsuccessful.

she repeated this process for a multitude of times in different spots till the guard could not fight back. almost on the brink of death.

she then removed his chest plate and moved her umbrella to where his heart was, she began to smile smugly as well as she knew she would enjoy this.

She then did what she previously did then sliced her umbrella's tip into his heart.

this time no cry or plea was heard.

no movement was shown.

She pulled her umbrella out to reveal the heart punctured by it's tip. she put her hand on the heart and slid it off of the sharp tip.

she then dropped hit on the ground and squished. it with all her might with her heel. she then began to walk away grabbing the keys to the gates of the warehouse.

she knew just where to find what she was looking for.

And thus she entered undetected.

Smiling all the way through.

(CANCELLED) The Cute MuteWhere stories live. Discover now