Chapter One

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I walked outside the club into the bright light of the moon. I went out the back way through the alley. It was easier to avoid everyone this way. It was dark and the only thing I could hear was the sound coming from the club. I leaned up against the wall and pulled out a cigarette and a lighter out of my bag. It was a nasty habit but I couldn't bare to quit it. As I put the cigarette in my mouth and lit it up with my lighter, I looked down at my shoes. They were black pumps with a strap around the ankles. They were killing my feet so I bent down and took them off

"Awwww. So much better." I sighed with relief.

I was deciding whether or not to walk home bare foot. I wasn't sure what would be more painful. I looked up at the sky and pulled the cigarette out of my mouth and blew the smoke out. I put the cigarette back in my mouth and picked up my shoes and began to make my way out of the alley.

As I made my way to the sidewalk I noticed that there weren't many cars driving by. "That's strange," I thought. "This is usually the busiest street at this time of night." I didn't think much of it and just kept walking down the street. My feet felt much better now that I had taken the shoes off. I still couldn't believe my friends got me to go out tonight. I hate going out to places with big crowds of people especially today out of all days. Thank god I escaped though. I wonder if they even know that I'm gone? Probably not. I liked walking at night. It was quiet and no one was around. I really didn't like people. I guess you could say I've had a bad experience with people over the years. It didn't help that I was given up both by my mother and aunt. I need to stop thinking about this or I'll drive myself insane.

I was finally at my apartment and just in time too. My cigarette was done for and I needed an ash tray. I trudged up the staircase which seemed to go on forever. When I got to my door I grabbed the key above the door frame and jiggled the lock until the door unlocked. When I got in the house I dropped my shoes and bag and put out my cigarette. I threw off my dress and went into the bedroom. I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank top and put up my hair. I went back into the living room walked up to the tank next to the book case. Inside the tank was a black snake I named Nila. Ive always seemed to have this weird bond with snakes. I got her food and put it into the tank.

"It's a beautiful snake," someone said. I turned right around and saw a shadow behind me. "Who's there?!?" I screamed. "Dam Nicolette, when did you get so paranoid?"said the voice. Out of the darkness stepped... a man. He looked familiar but yet I had never met him. "Who are you? How do you know my name?" I shouted. "Nicolette please stop shouting." He said as she started walking towards me. As he came closer I slowly reached my hand in the tank and I shouted "Answer me!" When my hand touched the bottom of tank I moved a some rocks and pulled out a wand and pointed it at the man. "Stay back," I said "I'm warning you. I'll use this thing!" My hands were shaking but I managed to keep a straight face. The man stared at me then began to laugh at me. "Do you honestly think that can hurt me? Do you even know how to use it?" He snickered. I felt ridiculous because holding the wand but I stood my ground. But then it hit me. "What do you mean how do I use it?" I asked "You know what this is?" After I said this he pulled out a wand from his pocket and put on the coffee table. "Nicolette you know who I am. You just don't want to admit it because the pain is just too much for you." He said. As I stood there looking at this man I realized that I was crying because I did know who he was. "Draco?" I asked. "It sure has been a while hasn't it Nicolette?" He said. Before I realized it I was hugging this man who was almost a stranger to me now. "Draco. I missed you so much." I sobbed. "I know," he said. "I've missed you too."

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