Addison writes letters to her lover while he is on a trip. Giving it to a trusted person to give him one letter in every city.
These are the Seven letters she wrote and the one she received
I'm sorry I din't know how else to start this email. But at least I'm sending emails like normal people.
I'm kidding love. Thank you for the letters I appreciate them very much. And Jonah was very good about giving me a letter for every city we went to, but I don't need letters to know how much we love each other.
I can't wait to come home next week. I'm counting down the days till I come back to L.A.
Till then my love
And that's it. That's the end of this book. I hope you liked it.
I want to thank you for taking the time to read this book. It means the world to me. Until next time fellow readers/writers.
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