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A/N This is for a contest, it is my first one shot.

-Option 3, Song is Home by Philip Philips




"Where are we going, Niall?" Harry asked, as Niall led them seemingly nowhere.

"You will see in a short time, darling." Niall teased Harry.

Harry and Niall have been dating for almost two years, met in high school, and became room mates in college where their friends decided to set them up on blind dates with each other.

Niall loved to tease Harry almost as much as Harry loved to tease him back.

Ask anyone they know and they would all agree the couple is forever stuck in the honey-moon phase. They are the sickeningly sweet couple every single female teenager hates, yet wants to be.

"Are you sure we aren't lost yet, it looks like we are. I am positive we are lost." Harry said, pulling out his phone to find a map.

"Turn off your phone, we are in the middle of nowhere with no reception, I could slowly torture you out here and no one would ever find us. I might end up doing that exact thing, actually." Niall said, sending Harry the goofiest smile that always made him happy.

"I am going to go out on a limb here, but I'm guessing you're joking." Harry teased right back at him.

The teasing and sarcasm was a part of every conversation the two held even it was a heart-to-heart conversation, they teased. The two boys were never serious and felt uncomfortable in situations where they were forced to be professional.

"You guessed right, but it is something I could do if I had the guts to. So, thank my gut for not being gutty enough and smile because we only have about two hours left of this ride."

The next two hours were filled with laughter over anything the two would talk about, whether it be memories from high school and college, their bad decisions, or childhood stories that they were hearing for the fifth time, they laughed.

About an hour away the radio finally picked up a station that seemed to only play the same five songs from the 80's over and over again. By the end of the trip they knew every line to Billie Jean, Livin' on a Prayer, Sweet Child of Mine, Beat It, and Don't Stop Believin'.


"How far way are we? An hour, two minutes, give me answers!" Harry started saying around 15 minutes away from the destination, but now they were two minutes away from being there.

"Two minutes until we are thirty minutes away." Niall said, and sure enough they pulled up into a little town right outside London that they have driven through on multiple occasions and where many of their friends lived.

"We could have gotten here in thirty minutes, why did it take us four hours?" Niall just smiled and replied with a quick, "Thirty more minutes." and kept driving.

Harry tried to give him the silent treatment, but cracked after two minutes, demanding that he know where they were headed.

"Calm down, we are going home."

"Our 'home' is our friend's basement twenty minutes south of London, not thirty minutes north." Harry was getting frustrated.

Harry was still in college going for a Master's degree in teaching, and Niall was a photographer that took pictures for art galleries, and did not make much money.

"Well, we are going home, just relax." Niall said with a smirk before adding, "and by the way it took four hours because I took the longest way, so I could spend time with you."

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