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I was awaken by the loud sound of my alarm clock. It says 7:00. It's Monday today and my first day in College.Like any other freshies, I too am really excited what it would like to be a college student having so many friends eating at the cafeteria, having chit chat with my peers and doing research at the library with group mates. The idea of me having so many friends on my first day stimulates me to adjust easily in this new setting I am endeavoring.

"Hey Lala,how was your first night,honey?" said the voice on the other line.

"It's good mom,the bed bugs didn't bite,thank heavens." I said. I jump off from my bed and kick out of my Pjs and wear my below-the-knees shorts which I am comfortable enough wearing in front of other people.

"So,what time is your first subject,baby?" She's treating me again as if I am still her little baby.Thank goodness I'm now miles away from her so I could learn how to be independent.

"Mom,I'm not a baby anymore,okay? Quarter past 9 this morning." I said in exasperation.

"Okay darling,I'm sorry it's just that I miss you already. Rob missed you too,wanna talk to him?" I was nauseated upon hearing that name.

"Don't wanna talk to a dork." I just rolled my eyes as if they can see me doing that.

"Don't be so rude,honey." Here we are again.

"Can we just not talk about that arse,please? I have some things more important to do than talking about that silly bastard boyfriend of yours." I said starting to be irritated.

"Don't talk that way about my husband." She's starting to be pissed on her tone.

"Husband?! So he is now,eh?" I'm walking here and there as I wait for her response. I'm trying to calm down wishing that they just didn't.

"W-we're married Lala. I love him,honey.Just give him a chance to prove to you that he can be a good father to you,to us." She's started crying.

"Father?! He's never nor will be my father. End of conversation. Good-bye mom. Take care." I hang up, turn the door knob open and get out of my room. I heave a deep sigh before stepping down the stairs and walk through the kitchen. Mia's cooked pancake and bacon for breakfast.

"Hi Lala,what time will you go to school?" She asked me while setting the placemats at the dining table.

" My schedule says 9:15 but I want to be early so I'll be there at 9." I said enthusiastically. My mood just suddenly shifted. Thanks to Mia.

"Oh,great I have my class at 9 too, wanna go with me then?" She said and offered me the plate. We sat down face to face since we only have this small table in front of us. Mia and I are room mates, she's my batch-mate in high school and we became good friends knowing that we are going to take our College years in the same University.

"Sure thing, that would be so much better." I said and took a mouthful of pancake.

"You're so cute Lala." She complimented me.

"Oh! Thanks for the compliment. I find you pretty." I said giving back her compliment.

"The way you eat,Lala. And I knew right I'm pretty, that's what they always say. You're beautiful anyway." She laughed.

"Oh! You're crazy Mia." I then find ourselves laughing.

Before the clock strikes nine, me and Mia got to school. There are a lot of students walking and some are busy chatting with their pals. I can also see students rushing and running late. "This first day of school would be great,I can tell." Said Mia then she winked at me. I just smiled back. "I'm kind of nervous,you know." I said

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2015 ⏰

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