Ch.1 The sinner

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"Come on baby, come on!" I kept blasting her with the gold orb that her father gave me, along with very vague instructions. I stood up breathing heavily and covered in sweat. Anger and fear took a massive toll on me making it hard to concentrate on anything, everything around me spun around. I held my head in my hands and yelled, falling to my knees sending a electric ring around me that ended up circling me and nearly in blue and gold flames. I started crying silently to myself and tears began to stream down my face. One of them hit the ground causing the fire to grow bigger around us, stronger with more magic than I have ever seen before. I looked back a nearly and I could sense her powers slowly coming back and could hear her heart faintly trying to beat again. Almost there just once more please. I flicked my wrist and the gold ball appeared in my hands and the blue flames instantly turned solid gold. "If your gonna stop beating then I will too, I don't want anything to happen to you and you have to suffer all alone. I will stay with you through life and death, I will follow you through the darkest of corners and still be loyal to you when you hurt me." I took the ball and started circling me with it and wielding it till it turned into a golden dagger. My eyes turned gold with a hit of blue in them and my flames that engulfed my body turned gold with a mixture or red, blue and purple. My tail came out and so did my fangs as I walked towards her. I knelt down next to her and whispered in her ear, "Just you and me baby and then I'll never let you go." I kissed her on the forehead before I took the dagger and started to cut the palm of her hand. Her blood dripped black on the dagger causing the flames around me to turn solid black. I cut a pentagram in her hand and it glowed gold then healed instantly. I sat there in silence as I watched her lay there lifeless and dead, I sighed and looked down letting my hair cover my eyes. I heard coughing and then a sigh causing me to look up and there she sat looking at me. I looked at her and searched her eyes for her soul and heart and she had neither one of them, yet here she sat living and breathing. My whole body shaked as I began to cry I didn't know if it was in horror or if it was because I brought her back from a way to close death no wonder why her name suited her. The flames still burned solid black and engulfed my whole body, when I looked down at my hands the golden dagger no longer existed. She came over and held me in her arms and I just laid there in her arms and slowly hugged her back. I felt water drip on the back of my neck and I instantly knew she was too crying. She held me so close and I couldn't help, but do the same. I could feel her wings and tail wrap themselves around us in a protective barrier to ensure no one would hurt us. Her body ignited in her usual red flames causing the black flames to fade and change to blue, mixing them to create our powerful neon purple flame. She laid her head on my shoulder and her breathing calmed down to a slow and steady sigh. I held and carried her in my arms and we left the building with only one place on my mind I spread out my wings and flew us home. I landed next to the tree house she showed me all those years ago and now it just looked tired and lonely. I walked up towards the ladder and just simply put my hand on the first rung and memories began to show in front of me. I looked up and I could see her smiling face and hear her giggling as her tail swayed back and forth. I smiled and looked down at nearly laying in my arms. "We're finally home babe," I sighed, "We're finally home."

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