*•.¸♡ Chapter 1: Don't Kill My Vibe ♡¸.•*

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*Carey's POV*

I walked around a small town in France. It was a place I had never been to though I had extensive knowledge of the place. It seemed like the perfect place to experience for myself, with my very own body. Thanks to Ashton I was now able to and in just a few short weeks I would be going back there.

As I skipped along cheerfully, examining everything with my eyes and picking up the sweet scent of freshly brewed coffee I bumped into someone. "Ow..." I mumbled as I landed on my ass. It was already weird enough having my own legs to use and as of yet I wasn't able to fully control my balance on them. I stand up slowly ready to punch whoever didn't watch where they were going only to be met with a guy around Ashton's age. He was a few inches shorter than me. I was 6'0" just like Nathan and this guy seemed like he was 5'6 at least.

The guy had curly, light brown hair and honey colored eyes. He was very well built and it made me roll my eyes. "Watch where you're going you idiot. Do you happen to need glasses? Because if so I would suggest you don't drive anytime soon" I crossed my arms and waited for an apology from the handsome stranger.

"Me? You're the one who should watch where you're going! If you hadn't been daydreaming and actually used those...very nice legs..." he paused and shook his head "you would have moved out of my way!"

"Did you just compliment my legs...?" I raise my right eyebrow and he blushes a dark red. It was almost cute. I shook my head, it wasn't time for these stupid things humans call feelings.

"That's beside the point you should watch where you're going. What are you? A tree? Because it seems to me you're having trouble moving~" he spoke in a teasing tone that began to boil my blood. How could I have thought this idiot of a human was cute? He's absolutely irritating!

"Oh yeah? If you were any taller I would have moved! You can't expect tall people like me to be able to spot a midget that's barely 3ft tall! My sight is up here, not down here!" I lift my hand up to eye level and gesture to my line of sight. 'This annoying midget!' I thought to myself and kicked his knee.

He groaned as he tumbled to the ground with a loud 'THUMP.' I act as if I'm dusting my shoulders off and grin "midget~" I shrug and begin walking away. I hear footsteps behind me and my right arm is pulled back with the force of a gorilla. I let out a soft yelp and look down only to see Mr. Midget.

"You're not going anywhere after that! Who do you think you're talking to?" He glared, it made me shiver slightly. The way he looked at me made me think about Nathan for some reason. It was odd, he resembled him somehow but I just couldn't put my finger on it.

"An idiot apparently. Leave me the hell alone" I pull my arm back harshly and start walking once more. Mr. Midget follows behind and catches up easily. It was surprising, to say the least. He was pretty short and the fact he could move his legs fast enough to catch up to me when one of my steps equaled 4 of his, was surprising.

"I am not an idiot" he growled and I immediately stop. I snap my fingers and stare at him, "you're a werewolf aren't you..." I say as a matter of fact. It wasn't just the growl but I had also used a bit of magic to figure out what he was.

He seemed taken back by the sudden statement and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously "is it obvious?" He looked around cautiously. He crossed his arms and shrugged.

"Well the fact you just growled certainly didn't help," I roll my eyes "that and I used a bit of magic~" I shrug and keep walking. He walks alongside me, matching my pace.

"Really...so you're a warlock?" He asks hesitantly and I stop once more. I turn to him with an irritated look on my face.

"Okay one, you don't just call anyone a warlock-" he cuts me off mid-sentence while waving his hand slightly with a bored look on his face. This guy is just asking to get knocked out! I don't know why he's irritating me so much!

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