3 years ago***
I'm just a 12 year old girl but not your average 12 year old... I have tons of issues... Depression, Anxiety, I'm bipolar... this started at the beginning of 7th grade... Kids decided to bully me... Because I'm Bigger than everyone else...😪 they called me Fat, ugly and stupid and more...🙁😫 I didn't believe them for a while... and then I started to believe them because they did this everyday... and that year I didn't have that many friends because no one wanted to be my friend they pretty much hated me I was always alone I sat alone at lunch everyday it was by far the most painful year of my life as far as I knew. My parent had no idea I was cutting myself.. I slit my wrists 5-6 times and then i quit 😭 I started to hate myself 🙁😪 at that point I didn't want to be here anymore and I thought I was going to kill myself everyday I was in so much painful and I always felt like it was my fault.. and I didn't know how to handle what I was going through and no one ever asked ya know?.. but why would they why would they ask if I was okay why would they care😭 they didn't care no one has ever cared.. I tried to open up to people and they just ignored
Me or they listened and blocked me 😪 I didn't know if I was going to make it didn't know if I was going to wake up the next day... I didn't want to...😭 I wanted to die I wanted to jus end it all and finally give up... but i didn't I kind of got help... That was my 7th grade year... in a nutshell... I could go on and on.. but I'm not going to bore you...
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