I Warned You:

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Here's another request for Lessa_Love
:) Here's another Larry one finally! :D


Louis bordely sighed and walked downstairs to see Harry watching tv. He groaned and sat next to him. Harry didn't have much of an urge to ask what was wrong, so he remained watching tv. Louis took another sigh and looked at Harry.

Harry made a little smile, not interested in what he wanted. Louis slowly scooted closer to him and sighed again. Harry finally looked over to him. "Yes Louis?", he asked. "I'm bored!", he complained. "Well what do you want me to do about it?", he asks.

Louis shrugs. "I don't know, just do something with me", he says. "Like what?", Harry chuckled. "I don't know", he complains again resting his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry still just sat there. "Harry!", he moped sitting up. "What?", he laughed.

"Come on, get up!", he says standing up and pulling his arm. Harry gently pulls his arm away. "I don't feel like doing anything", he smiles. "Please", he whines again. Harry shakes his head. Louis folds his arms and sits on another couch away from him.

He found a bouncy ball near him and grabbed it, bordely throwing it at the wall over and over again. Harry flinched a tiny bit every time because of the unpleasant noise. "Louis, could you not do that please?", Harry asks not looking away from the tv.

"Oh, my bad", Louis sarcastically replies throwing the ball even harder at the wall. Harry looks at him a little annoyed. "Louis, I'm serious", he says. Louis didn't care and grabbed some pillows nearby.

All of the sudden, he starts throwing the pillows at him. "Louis stop it", he says. Louis throws another one at him. Harry was beginning to get more annoyed. "Louis, I mean it", he demands. Louis doesn't hesitate to throw another. "Alright, that's it", Harry says fast walking to Louis.

Louis regretted his actions and sunk into the couch, defending his body and smiling. Then Harry was able to grab his arms. "You should've listened to me", he smiles, picking him up and going up stairs.

He made sure that he was over his shoulder and continued to walk. "No! no! Harry put me down! Please! I'm sorry!", he begs, kicking his legs as Harry leads him to the bedroom. Harry sets him on the bed and straddles him. He ties up his arms and legs.

He then gets up and shuts the door, locking it after. He walks over to him, looking at his gray, elbow length sweater. He then happily straddles him again. "Don't!", he laughs. "Don't what?", Harry asks slowly bringing his hand to his right armpit, running his fingers on place over it.

"Nohohoho dohohohohon't!", he giggles pulling at his arms. Harry then walks down the bed, to his sides and squeezes them. "GAHAHAHAHAHA STOHOHOHOHOP IHIHIHIT HAHAHAHAHA!", he laughs as he turns a little red.

"What's the matter Lou?", he taunts. Louis bucks wildly as Harry tortures his stomach and sides. Louis starts going silent every now and then. Harry then walks down to his feet and places his hand on it. Louis quickly looks down worridly.

"NO HARRY PL-HAHAHAHAHAHA OH GOD HAHAHAHAHAHA!", he laughs as Harry mercilessly tickles his foot. "Awwww tickle tickle!", Harry says straddling his waist. Louis then laughs nonstop as he tickles around his upper body.

"PLEHEHEHEHESE I can't breathe!", he laughs. Harry smiles and stops for a break. He allows Louis to catch his breath and saw that some of Louis' brown hair stuck to his sweaty forehead.

He took an exhausted sigh. "Harry....please no more", he begs. "Sorry, no can do", Harry replies. He then pulls up his shirt. Louis smiles and starts squirming.

"Harry....", he nervously says as he slowly lowers his head. "No! Stop!", he giggles again. Harry doesn't listen and presses his lips on his belly button, blowing raspberries. Louis throws his head back weakly and laughs like there's no tomorrow. "AHHH PLEHEHEHEHESE I CAN'T TAKE IT!!", Louis bucks.

Harry blows much harder. Louis goes silent again. "Little Louis can't take anymore?", he says now blowing on his side, sending him the chills. Tears drop down his eyes and Harry keeps going. "I CAHAHAHAN'T!", he says. Harry then sits up and wiggles his fingers harshly in his ribs.

"Anything but that! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", he laughs. Harry went back to his armpits. "HARRY NO MORORORORE AHAHAHAHAHA SSSTOP!", he laughs.
Harry then blows more raspberries. He was too tired to fight back and just laughed.

Harry evily smirked at Louis, watching him squirm all over the bed.  "HAHAHAZAHAHAHA P-PLEHEHEHESE!!!", he bucks laughing crazily. "Who was the one who wanted me to do something?", Harry teases, sliding his fingers in and out of his belly button.

Louis went silent again, during this action. "I didn't want you to tihihihihihickllelelele mehehehehehe!", he replies helplessly  moving around. Harry was having a lot of fun with this and drilled his fingers as hard as he could in his sides while blowing more raspberries.

This drove Louis insane. He cried of laughter kicking and pulling more desperately at his arms. Harry then scooted up a little more to blow on his neck. "No NO HARRY!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA GOHOHOD STOP STOP!!", he screamed from the torture.

"Why Louis? Can't take a little tickle tickle?", he taunts. Harry's words made Louis feel even more weak. Harry then sat up, looking down at him as he panted with his eyes closed. "There's just one more thing", Harry says.

Louis tried to nod to show his approval, but he was too tired and kept his eyes closed. Harry was happy about that and slowly reached his hands to his armpits. Just then, Harry's 10 fingers scratched away as Louis began to laugh louder than before.

Louis was laughing really loud, but Harry didn't stop, no matter how much he laughed. Louis wanted him to stop so badly but every single second, Harry's fingers went faster and faster. It felt like spiders were attacking his poor armpits. "HARARARY! PL-HAHAHAHAHAHA!", he laughs.

Louis had a big smile on his face, which was red and Harry couldn't help but smile also. "Are you still bored?", he asks still tickling him. Louis quickly shook his head, begging him to stop. Harry smiles and stops finally, untying him. Louis turns on his side, still exhausted.

"Now......that you're done...will you cuddle with me?", Louis asks catching his breath. Harry gladly nods and comes on the bed, laying behind him as he wraps his arm around his stomach. He pulled him close getting him comfortable. They relaxed for the rest of the day. :)

The End!

Hey guysss! I'm sorry it's taking me longer than usual to either post, or get people's requests up. I have been really busy, basically everyday you can say. But I'm trying my best to make more time for these stories. Unfortunately, I'm only able to get up this request today since today's another busy day. And plus, I have plenty other requests to do. I'm planning to write every single request I have throughout this week, and by next weekend, I'll post all of them, that way everybody can be happy without wondering when their's will be up. *Catches Breath* lol

Sooooooo ya! xD I <3 all of you and thanks for the support and enjoying my stories, it makes me happy!

See you guys in the next story!!!!!
Lots of Love!!!!!!

~ Jada <3

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