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The day I met you


I was sitting at my usual spot inside the subway wondering about something...just something...

"What are you starring at?"

A guy wearing a high school uniform  asked. I tilted my head and pointed an index finger at me asking if he was talking to me. He nodded in returned.

I was too deep in thought that I didn't realised I was starring at him for too long. I flashed a bright smile knowing that he was talking to me.

"You can see me??" My eyes sparkled.

He suddenly looked away and get off  the subway, as soon as it stop.

I was about to call him, but it was too late.


I saw him again...

I went to sit beside him and asked the same question. I was expecting him to answer a yes or something. Instead, he put on his earpiece and closed his eyes totally ignoring me.

I sighed in disappointment.



He was riding on the usual subway, when I saw tears streaming down his cheeks. I asked him what happened but he didn't answered. I tried to pat his back and was suprised that I can touch him.

Can he really see me?

I can only touch someone who can see me.

His eyes widened in suprised at the sudden touch. He backed away and wiped away his tears. "What are you?" He asked.

I didn't answer.

"You're not a human are you?"

I didn't know how to respond. I looked down and played with my fingers.

"Yes, I can see you" He finally admitted.

"I'm... just a soul" I replied.

He nodded in understanding as if it was normal to him and thanked me  before going off.

"Thank you"

REMEMBER。Kwon SoonyoungWhere stories live. Discover now