Chapter one - Amber

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"Here you go." i catch something between my hands, when i open them i can see a bag, filled with blood.

"Mom...I'm fine, i don't need to.." she gives me a serious look.

"You better drink that, all of it. Now." she snaps her fingers and closing my door. I shrug. Take a sip, three...and eventually the whole bag is emptied in five minutes. I throw the bag in the trash, locking myself into the toilet, cleaning my fangs after the blood. When i take a look in the mirror i can see my green eyes staring back at me in the reflection. I hate myself. I hate myself for leaving him the way i did it. And i should have heard him out before making my dramatic move, he's probbably pissed. But i couldn't just accept it either, i had to give him a push into the reality of life, he can't just go on a killing spre without telling me or anything, he should know better that that. He's been a guardian for over eight years now, we've been dating fro the past year, i think. Im not sure of my reasons for that anymore. I clean the last bit of blood from my face, brushing my teeth so hard it bleeds, great.

Back down in the kitchen mom sits, my dad too. Iv'e seen him a lot latley. I think they are trying to make it work again, for my sake. They didn't have to, i can handle the break up, just not with my parents.

Hey there princess!" dad smiles up from his cup of coffee.

"Hi dad." i say, giving him a gentle hug before thanking mom for the blood.

"Good thing you drank it, someone special is coming over today." she says out of nowhere. I'm stiffend up, i hope to god it's not him.

"Who?" my tone is so deep, it's clear that im scared of facing him after my tantrum.

"You could just give him a minute to explain himself, okay?" I nod slightly, not sure if i actually agree to that. I don't really need any explenations for the actions.

"Darling, just breath, i can hear your heart." mom says after a few minutes of silence. I drop what im doing, taking myself out to the forest for some fresh air. I can't concentrate enough.

I take a seat on a bigger stone, i place myself there, i close my eyes and sink deep into myself. I need to clear my head before he gives me more crap to think about.

BOOK 2: The Invisible (AVSLUTAD)Where stories live. Discover now