The day...

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"Morning Ilana" said dan sleepily. Last night was crazy. I admitted to Dan i liked him, and he asked me out for a coffee in Starbucks, Which was so fun! Then he invited me to his place so i stayed the night. It was kind of awkward for me though because Phil was there. When me and Dan were holding hands he muttered something about getting some cerial (cinnamon crunchy toast, his favourite.) We didn't see him for the rest of the evening, and i was getting a little concerned but Dan assured me that it was fine and Phil was probably just reading his book in his room or binge watching some anime on crunchyroll. 

Anyways, i replied to Dan with a simple "Morning. How are you?" It was awkward AF.

"Not Bad. You?" 

"Good thanks."

"Sooo... what do you want for breakfast? cerial, toast, crumpets. Whatever..." 

"Umm... Cerial please."

Dan walked over to the kitchen and i followed him awkwardly. "Where's Phil?" i said, because i knew that Phil normally had breakfast with Dan, which was cute. 

"Um.. i actually don't know. I'll go see" said Dan, and left me in the kitchen with my cerial. I kind of just sat there and sturred it around a bit.

"Oh god oh god oh god." I rushed in and found Dan leaning over Phil, who was lying on the floor, even paler then normal, his eyes pale. Dan burst into tears, and i couldn't help crying as well. 

An envelope lied on the floor next to Phil's poor body. 

'My darling Dan' was scribbled on the envelope, in Phil's scruffy writing...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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