Whyd he do that? (zayn and perrie)

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zayn was mad at me...yet again.

our relationship had been pretty rocky lately.

      "zayn comeback here!!! stop being like this!" I yelled.

  "leave me alone perrie I cant believe you!"he screamed back.

  "I didnt do anything!!!! I told niall I would go to a movie with him cause you werent spending time with your best FRIEND!!" I yelled.

  he walked up to me and raised his hand. he smacked me and pushed me down. he threw the vase down next to me...shards of glass sinking in my leg and back. he walked out the door without another word.

     "you cant be mad forever" I mumbled before blacking out.


   I woke up laying on a bed wires in my arms.

  dang it I was in the hospital.

   I looked over and saw Zayn sitting in the Chairs. He had his head in his hands lightly sobbing.

  "z-zayn?" I said.

he looked up clearing his eyes with the back of his hand.

  "Perrie, I am so sorry! I didn't know what was happening! I don't know what got into me. look I love you so much and you know that. you mean everything to me and I'm so sorry." He went on.

  "Zayn its okay. I should have told you I was going to go with Niall." I said.

   He looked at me and a smile crept across his face.

   " I love you Perrie and I will always love you." he said.

  "I love you to" I told him.

      ** two months later**

(sorry bout the time jump)

   "Zayn get the door Niall And His Girlfriend are here!" I yelled to Zayn as I continued to get ready. Niall, Zayn , Niall's girlfriend, and I are going to a nice restaurant and then to a movie under the stars.

   " Im going" he called back.

   I walked over to my closet and pulled out a purple dress which was tightly fitting in the right places. it was dark purple and sparkly. I put in some diamond earrings and a silver ring. my hair falling in its natural state...yes it was all blonde. no pink this time.  I put on some dark purple heels and light make-up. I headed downstairs to see everyone. Niall and Ella were looking amazing. Niall and Zayn wearing the same suit other than the tie. Zayn's was purple matching my dress and Niall's was Red matching Ella's dress. Ella and I were wearing completely different dresses. Mine was tight and purple. Her dress was loose and red. she had on red flats and I had on purple heels...she wore darkish make up and I wore light.

   "Ella you look beautiful!" I told her.

    "Almost as good as you", she said. we laughed and Zayn spoke up.

" hey per u need to go get extra clothes and make sure they are comfortable." I went back to the room and pulled out some of Zayns Sweat Pants. one of my Dads old shirts And zayns hoodie. I shoved them all in a bag and went back down stairs. I grabbed my converse and put them in the bag as well.

    We all got into Zayns car. Niall and Zayn in the front and me and Ella in the back. and we headed off to our night of excitement and fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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