hi. my name is evan. and this is a little thing about me.
i'll be honest, i'm only making this for this one person who knows me in real life and follows me here. i just have a little something i need to get off of my chest so i can hopefully become more active.
why do i want to do this? well, the internet has always been my safe haven. its the only place i can be my true authentic self. thats why i never give out social media to anyone i know irl, as i live in south louisiana, which, if you didnt know, is extremely conservative. why does that matter? well, here's why;
i am transgender. what is transgender, might you ask? here's the basic definition given to me by a simple google search:
trans·gen·dertransˈjendər,tranzˈjendəradjectivedenoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.
thats me. thats why i introduced myself at the beginning of this as evan, my preferred name, instead of my birth name.
i am a boy. i have always been a boy. i just have been forced all my life to present myself as a girl. and i still am. thats why im putting this online. where my family cant find it.
how does transgender work? well, contrary to popular belief, gender and sex are completely opposite. my sex is female. no one can change that, and i understand that no one can change that. its physical. its the parts and horomones and chromosomes i was born with. but my gender, on the other hand, is male. its how i feel on the inside. i dont want to be a boy. i AM a boy. and thats how this works.
i hope you accept me. especially you, person i wrote this for. long lost friend, per say. you know who you are.
as for everyone else who may be reading this, expect some mediocre stories in the near future. i have a good plot i need to start working on.
i'm also gay. as in i like boys. cool cool.