ChApTeR nIneTeEn - So powerful

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All I could see in front of my eyes was blood and murder. A terrible feeling of hate and power was moving in my body, just like electricity. My nails were long and sharp, my fangs were grown and my big gright red eyes were fixing Madness in front of the bed. 

"Go fucking away!" I screamed with a merciless voice.

But he did opposite. He came next to my bed and raised his right hand in front of me. In one second my big fangs smashed his skin, bitting him brutally, with no mercy or desire to stop. His eyes turned bright red while he was groaning of pain because of the wound I made him. With his left hand he pushed my head deeper in his arm so as to drink more. He was embracing me all that time.

"Why didn't you go?" I asked into his mind. "I told you to go away. I cannot control myself."

"Because I didn't need to." He responded slowly while he was keeping his right fist tight fluidising the blood.

His blood was gorgeous. So hot, almost boiling into his veins, tasted like red whine. So sweet. So spicy. A demon's blood. I so wanted to drink it all, untill the last drop. But I couldn't. I could kill him and that was the last thing I ever wanted. With a brutal move I removed my fangs from James's hand and I licked the blood from my lips. A little thread of blood was pumping out from his veins.
"I'm sorry... I don't know whats's happening with me." I whispered "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, don't worry." He said to me licking his bloody wound and he groaned.

"Madness?" I said looking into his eyes. "I'm scared...I don't know how this works..."
He erased a little drop of blood from my face then responded: "Don't be scared, Jane. It's normal to feel like that. You will get used to this. I'll help you". He took my hand and put it onto his chest. "Feel." he said referring to his heartbeats which were increasing and decreasing. "you see? You can control your heart, your instincts. Everything." He then put my hand onto my chest. "Try."

I tried to relax and listen to my heartbeats carefully. But unfortunately they increased rapidly. I got nervous and nervous. My eyes turned bright red again. Without my will I started shaking strongly under Madness's hand. 

"Jane, focus!" he shouted at me while trying to keep me in one place.

"I can't! It's controlling me!" I screamed paralyzed of fear, then I pushed Madness away with my new, unknown force and ran rapidly through the door. 

"Jane, come back here! Don't force me to get you, please!" he shouted while running after me. 

I began to run faster and faster through James's house, then went outside in the yard. But suddenly I stopped and I couldn't move anymore. 

"What the Hell is happening?!" I shouted and struggled to escape. But with no result. Madness was standing behind me with his right hand opened and pointed at me. A strange vibe of heat was moving into my body. I turned around and saw Madness behind me, then shouted: "Let me go!"

"I am amazed of you strong you became..." he groaned then he closed his fist and immediately I could see a fire circle around me . "But the answer is no." 

He started walking to me with his fist still closed, looking at me with those bright red paralyzing eyes. I could feel him looking at me even behind the fire circle. He walked through the fire and stopped next to me. I tried to raise a hand to slap him but he immediately kept my both hands onto my back.

"Calm down, Jane. I'm here, it's ok." he said to me, while keeping me sticked to his body. "Let me show you something." he told me then he opened his fist and looked me straight into the eyes.

I couldn't take my eyes from him. He untied my hands and I slowly hugged him, keeping him tight to my chest. Suddenly I felt an extremely hot air covering my body and, when I finally looked around us I saw the flames burning us. I struggled a little bit and wanted to scream but Madness was keeping me next to him so tight that I gave up. It was nice. Really nice. I felt pleasure. The pleasure of pain like I've never felt it anytime. Oh wait, I did. It was just like James Madness poured some 300 degrees water onto me in the shower and I liked it. What's wrong with all of this? How does this work? I know I'm different now, I know that...but how the Hell was I supposed to not feel any pain while burning in 4 meters high flames? 

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