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he sits at night staring at papers hopelessly.

yet when he greets you his smiles it nothing but comforting.

call after call of hateful words from all over.

ungrateful bittersweet advice from biological mother.

regrets from life changing decisions and recurring exs.

but he still breathes.

gun swing freely in trembling hand and children sing and dance.

wife messages loving words signaling a second chance.

a second chance at a life with a better end.

a life where lonely nights disappear. 

a life where tears are brushed away with kisses.

a life where a family is one I do away.

so he stays.

he stays for the family that will be in a few years.

so tonight he cries with a smile from ear to ear.

listens to the replaying singing of his Angel in his head.

relaxing to thought that his two proud soldiers are of to bed.

he sleeps dreaming of a daughter to protect.

wakes up to see friends in struggles.

washes away pain of yesterday's battles.

trudges to school in line like mindless cattle. 


waiting for his day....

waiting for his day to kiss his bride of freedom.

the day his life is completed.

the day the rest will look back.

look back and remember.

remember HIM.

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