Words Hurt (An Anti-Bullying Poem)

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Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will kill the soul

I know this won’t faze you though because your heart is black as coal

Your hurtful words are like a painful blow to the heart

Reverberating everywhere until they go right back to the start

When will you realize that I have done no wrong?

When I ended my life, did you see it all along?

Did it make you happy to see me suffering every day?

Did it fill you with joy in all the wrong ways?

When you read this I hope you realize

You were the reason for my demise

It’s too late now to pretend

Because my life has already reached its end

When I put the gun to my head,

My mother found me dead

She’s cried every day since then but I found peace

I was grateful to be at ease

Congratulations, bully. I hope you read this and know

You were the reason I was covered in blood from head to toe

Right about now you are probably standing with your mouth agape

And you may call this suicide, but I call it an escape

I realize now that none of the things you said were true

Now I know that the real coward was you

Although you never hit me, your words were rough

Tell me, now am I good enough?

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I know that this is long, but PLEASE read it...

AUTHOR'S NOTE: PLEASE READ!!!! This is a poem that I wrote for anyone who has ever been told that they're not good enough. YOU ARE GOOD ENOUGH. Who says you have to live up to anyone else's standards? It doesn't matter if you aren't up to their standards.

This is for anyone who has ever been bullied and knows the effect that words have on people. You may not realize it, but absolutely everything you say can have an effect on someone else. Doesn't it bother you knowing that people end their life because of other people? Suicide is 100% preventable. Why is being nice to people so hard? Think about it. Look at people that you just simply walk by everyday. What if they are hurting inside? What if they were contemplating suicide?

Basically, I wrote this anti-bullying poem to let people know that WORDS HURT. You can't take back something you say. Don't bully people. And to the people who have been bullied, don't try to hurt that person back because it makes you just like them.

If there are any readers out there who have ever thought about OR are thinking about committing suicide, PLEASE talk to someone. Feel free to send me a message if you're having some problems or a bad day. I'll always be here to listen. :)

I got the inspiration to write this while listening to the song "Your Guardian Angel" by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. This song is so personal to so many people. I personally love that song.

To anyone who has ever had the unpleasant experience of being bullied: STAY STRONG <3 There is always someone out there who cares. :)

Love, RelentlessChaos <3

Words Hurt (An Anti-Bullying Poem)Where stories live. Discover now