First Bondage // Day 1

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Things I had

- Rope from a dressing gown

- Undies

- sting from track suit pants

- My old Baby Blanket

Let's get started!!!

First off I got the Sting from the pants and tied it around my ankles. I made sure I did it tight or it would gave come undone on me. I made sure I did a double not. But I made sure to make the double knit tight. I need yo get out later.

Then I of the rope from the dressing gown. I tied that around my thighs. This way I couldn't get up an walk away.

Then I got my baby blanket. I twist the ended different ways and then I put the center of it in my mouth and tie it up at the back.

I then get the undies. I put one wrist thou and tie it around at least twice. I out the other one behind my back and do the same thing. That's when My hands cross over.

I fall to my side and feel after tight everything is. I can't my legs free which is good and every time I try to get my hands free the undies rub and it feels like there getting tighter. As for my gag. It was falling out.

After I untie myself. A new method came to mind.

I tie the blanket around me ankles and the sting around my thighs. Yep that seems tight.

I put the undies in my mouth and as you the dressing gown rope. I tie my left hand up first in front of me. Then I put both behind my back. I make sure my hands are crossing while I'm tieying. So I use my feet for some help.

When I finally have my hands tied I tie a knot.

I role on my side and see how tight everything is. I can't get my hands free (That's what I like) But my feet and knees are free. I just spat the undies out. But I still need to get my wrists free. So I move them around trying to find the knot. Because my hands are crossed. Its hard to get to the knot.

In the end I finally got out!

Hey what should I use next!!! I am open for any suggestion!!! Leave them in the comments

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