Not Real.

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Let's clear up a few things. My name is Nyx Smith. I am twenty years old. I live alone, in a small house surrounded by trees in the outskirts of town. And... I tend to see things that aren't really there. Things that aren't real. So that's all that I thought they were, figments of my broken imagination that harassed me in. You'd call me crazy if I told you what I saw. And you would wonder of your own mental stability if you saw what I did.

They where huge. Towering over me with ease. And I was frozen, like a deer caught in headlights. A simple walk into the trees that normally relaxed me turned into me making deals with a God I didn't even believe in. But what else could I do? Run? Hardly. The beasts' long legs would catch up to me in an instant. All I could do was stand still and watch, hoping that they didn't see me.

What were they? The closest thing I could think of were wolves, but wolves don't grow to be over ten feet tall and have a fully exposed skull. Wolves didn't come in contrast patterned white and blue colors versus red and black. They walked silently, despite the great size of their paws and the rest of them, gliding through the trees gracefully.

I thought I was safe, as the slightly smaller, yet still terrifying, black and red creature moved forward back into they darkness of tree cover, that was until one of the large eyes of the other rolled down to stare at me with no pupils, and I felt my heart stop. We stood there facing each other for what felt like an eternity but could only have been a few seconds before it looked away and continued forward and my legs gave out from under me.

I hit the ground with a thud muffled by the small amount of leaves and other vegetation that covered the ground. My breathing coming in and out violently, my chest aching as my heart mimicked the panicked breaths. After many minutes of stressed breathing I crawled myself to my feet and ran. Ran home. Ran to safety. Ran away from... what ever the fuck I had just seen. As my feet hit the grass of my small lawn I sprinted to the door, slipping inside and slamming it closed, sliding the deadbolt and handle locks into place faster than ever. Then I leaned with my back against the door and I slid down. Hitting the floor again and pulling my knees to my chest as I rocked back and forth with my head in my hands, trying to calm myself down felt near impossible.

As I sat there feeling as though the world was shattering around me I remembered the eye contact that was shared. And while the initial shock and fear remained, in that moment I didn't feel threatened. Despite the ominous creature that could lay waste to me in seconds, I felt a calm serenity from it. And then I shook my head and realized just how out of tune my brain was. I slowly stood up and made my way to my room, hands rubbing my arms to try and soothe myself as I dropped my body onto the bed.

Sleep was a useless thing to attempt so all I did was curl into a ball in the center of the mattress, closing my eyes. Regret followed that as all I could see painted on the backs of my lids were the creatures and I knew I had to get out and away. I looked over at the clock that stood on the nightstand. 3:00. A sigh escaped me as I contemplated where I could even escape to, when it dawned on me. I do have some friends. And in actuality a boyfriend. That's right. I could go to the town and be safe. I could stay the night somewhere. I will be okay. Yeah.

With that I messaged Damien, saying that I needed some cuddle time and threw a few clothing items into a bag. Going back out the door into the world I walked to the car parked in my driveway, heart speeding up again as I turned my back to the trees in order to unlock the car door before climbing in, starting it and almost speeding down the street as I fled from fear.

The second I pulled up in front of his house he opened the door and I nearly flung my self onto the smaller man, body trembling ever so slightly. Knowing I was upset he just stood there motionless until I walked myself into his house and laid down on the couch, feel at peace in a house that was probably just as bad as my own.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2018 ⏰

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