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My name is Zayden Ryain (Ray-in), but everybody calls me rain. I'm 16, in gr.11, emo and gay. everybody knows, including my best friend Keagan Tylers, aka KT. we've known each other since gr.2. He was the first person I told.I was 14 when I came out of the closet, He found out by me kissing him on our way to my house after school one day, he totally freaked out at first but he's over it by now and has probably forgotten, but I haven't. my mom was okay with me being gay but my dad... it's not important.

KT's In gr.12 emo also, we became friends after I was getting beat up by a couple of total bea-Cha-chos and he came to save me like my knight and shining armor. He came and kicked their asses and we have just kinda always been friends ever since. The only problem is he's straight and I've been In love with him ever since. It gets hard at times when he tells me about his 'first hug' 'first kiss' 'first girlfriend' and I wanted to be his first everything, but he would never date ME...

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