story one: animal abuse-dog

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Your in the pound, there are so many people around, little girls looking at other dogs, babies scream near you, and you sniff them to see if they are ok and they smile at you, you lick them and they laugh. There is a woman and a man looking at you. You wag your tail and they smile and they pet you and love up on you, but they leave you behind. Your ok with it, your used to it by now, but there are so many people to look at you and pet you. Some take you out for a walk and play with you outside your living to dream, except they aren't yours. You yearn for them to take you but they leave.

the next day, the is a man with a lady and they are talking to the worker and you hear then say, "we will take this one your so happy that finally, someone is there to take you home. they take care of the paperwork and the workers there are sad to see you go but happy and they wish you good luck.

you get home, everything is fine, but they get mad at you for bugging them and walking in front of them.

Months go by and they kick you and don't feed you, then a few days later they take you out side they chain you up to the tree and leave you, your thinking it is a game and they would come back and play with cause all you wanted was love but that's not what the gave you, it got worst then you are slowly realizing that its not a game they never loved you they don't care if you die or not but everyday they started coming back but not to not you love on you but to hurt you its been months no water no food they can to hit you hard, to throw things at you. all you can do it cry cause you can scream for help cause your in so much pain you feel hopeless and no one come for you to save you and give you the love you yearn for this is not what you thought was going to happen.

your slowly dying and no one can and there is a truck you can barely see but there is a lady you remember that worked at the pound run up to you with tear telling you she is so sorry but its to late your body is shutting down you cant do anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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