The Hair Incedent

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© SallySparrow 2016

All Rights Reserved

There is a sick feeling in my stomach as I stand in front of the head mistresses door. I take a deep breath and turn the handle. I look anywhere but her face as I enter the room.

"Hello Ms Novak, please take a seat." She gestures to the chair in front of her desk.

I slide into the familiar and uncomfortable wooden chair. Considering how many times I've been in this position, it wouldn't surprise me if she labeled the chair as mine.

"I assume you know why you're here."

"No." I lie as I stare at my hands in my lap.

"This is serious, Ms Novak. I'm going to have to suspend you."

"I don't know what you're talking about!"

"There's no getting out of it this time, one of the other students saw the whole thing."

"Who?" I asked before I realized how guilty it made me sound.

"That's unimportant right now. I think two weeks off will do you good, help get you out of this rut you've fallen in." She slides on her reading glasses and looks down at some papers on her desk.


"That will be all, Ms Novak."

"But Jessica, I-"

Her cold, hard glare stops me in my tracks. "I may be you're mother's sister at home, but here you will address me properly. Do you understand?"

"Yes. I'm sorry, Ms Williams." I stand and hurriedly make my way back to my dorm. I can't help but think about that stupid Logan, he said he could deal with whatever I could dish out but then he rats on me? That jerk. I inject my ID card into the Slotlock. It unlocks the door and spits my card back out. I grab it and walk into my room.

Two of my roommates are sitting on the floor, painting their toes.

"So what did you get for releasing those snakes into the boys dorm?" Bekka asks. I point at the small gray APA, she nods and goes back to her nails. I walk over to the box of nail polish and pick out a dark purple.

The Automated Punishment Announcer answers for me, "Ms Shianne Novak, you are now on suspension. You may not leave your dorm room, except in the state of emergency. If in need of the bathroom, you must use the one connected to this dorm room, it is the only door that will be unlocked for you. Your meals will be delivered through the Automated Waiter System. Your Personal Electronic Device will be shut down. All of the penalties stated will be removed at such time when the suspension is lifted. Time left on suspension: 14 days." The speaker clicks off.

"Two weeks isn't too bad." Harlow gives me a small smile. Her brown hair now has random purple streaks from the dye that the boys dorm put in her shampoo.

"Well the boys deserved it." Lilah says as she's coming out of the bathroom with her towel wrapped around her head.

"I don't mind it all that much." Harlow says, she looks at her long her draped over her arms.

"But still..." Lilah says then unwraps her hair and throws her wet towel across a chair. We all stare at her for a moment. "What?"

"Looks like they already got us back..." Bekka says, pointing at Lilah's once black hair.

Her eyes widen and she sprints for the mirror, she's now an orange-blonde. It doesn't surprise me when she faints with a thud. I probably should have caught her...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2016 ⏰

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