Chapter 1: I Made a Friend

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Hi, my name's Moby! I'm a Magikarp! Isn't that cool?

Something I like is when Pokémon tell me about fun adventures. Sometimes they talk about when they swam straight through a whirlpool, and sometimes they talk about when they found a really cool seaweed. But whatever the adventure is, I'm always surprised by how crazy it gets. That's why I want to tell you about my own fun adventure. Get ready, everyone, because it's going to grab you by your gills!

It started when I was doing one of my favorite activities. I was watching a bunch of things being carried by the current through my coastline's rocky mounds. I liked looking at all the bits of seaweed and pebbles going by. Suddenly, something unusual caught my fancy: a see-through baggy thing twirling around in the current. I decided it'd be a cool target to try my new attack on.

Using all the not-fresh air in my body, I puffed up my mouth. I opened it to force all the air out hard, and that made a bubble. It was real big and shiny, so I was proud. I turned around toward one of the rocky mounds, where I bit onto a rock jutting out. While I held myself in place that way, I waved my tail super hard and fast. I made my own little current that sent my bubble drifting toward the baggy thing. This was the amazing attack I invented: Hyper Bubble!

It missed. But it was pretty close, so I tried again. It missed that time too. My attack was cool though, so I had fun trying over and over. Eventually, my bubble did hit something! Except, it wasn't the baggy thing. It was a Pokémon passing by. He looked over at me after the bubble popped on his head. He must have thought my attack was pretty neat, because he came swimming up to meet me.

"Hey," he chuckled, "you know what? I've been looking for a good annoying runt to rough up. I think you'll do fine."

He was a Carvanha. I knew that because I liked learning about all kinds of Pokémon. Out of all the Pokémon, Carvanha like him were some of the funniest-looking. They were kind of like Magikarp, except their teeth were big and wacky. But this one was especially funny. He had a little red scale in the middle of his nose area.

I asked him, "I'll do fine? I'm glad I can help, but what should I do?"

"Nothing at all! I just need a little EXP from you. Just the last bit so I can evolve."

In an instant, he closed his pokey teeth on my tail. He turned his body in a circle so he could toss me into some rocks. After a moment, I came back to my senses, and I lifted myself off the rocks with my fins.

"Ooh," I said, "that hurt. I hope I was a good help though."

But the Carvanha didn't respond yet. Instead, get this: he was busy glowing white! His body changed shape, and he got bigger. When the glowing went away, he wasn't a Carvanha anymore. I couldn't believe it! He was a Sharpedo!

"Whoa!" I said. "That's amazing!"

"Yeah, it is amazing, 'cause I get to be in the king's Sharpedo Legion now. Weakling runts like you have to suck up to me by law."

He may have been a different Pokémon now, but he was still the same wacky guy I liked. He still had that red scale on his nose.

I said, "I'm so happy for you! You seem like the kind of guy who deserves it."

"Huh, good choice of words, squirt. I guess I won't eat you. But I might come back later to beat you up more. We'll see, 'cause I just get to do what I feel like now. See ya!"

He zoomed out of sight using the new, speedy water jet on his backside.

While I felt special for being such a great help, I decided it was time to start practicing Hyper Bubble again. As soon as I started swimming into position, I noticed my tail hurt a lot. It got bitten pretty hard. There was no way it could push bubbles like that. In that case, I figured I might as well hang out in the Kelp Hole instead, a cool place where I could find some stuff to eat. I began swimming there excitedly, even though it hurt a bunch because of my tail.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2018 ⏰

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